From the 7th to the 12th of July 2008, in the context of the International Danube Festival Ulm, a seminar with the title "Home country - Danube country" takes place in which seniors from the various countries along the Danube meet for the first time. The seminar will be organised by the "Zentrum für Allgemeine Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung (ZAWiW) der Universität Ulm" and the
seniors' working group Europakontakte at ZAWiW in cooperation with the
Association ViLE e.V. and other cooperation partners.
The goal of the seminar is to develop basis for a long-term thematic cooperation between seniors' groups along the Danube in the way of a social network. Each delegation will consist of one person in charge in adult education and three seniors with facilitator functions.
"Home country Europe" is the subject of the Danube Festival. This subject will be handled also in the seminar "Home country - Danube country". The participants will thematise personal relationships to their own country as a "Danube-country", exchange about common historical and cultural roots and also address things that separate.
This seminar should be the first step to the development of "communities of good practice" in the field of seniors' education along the Danube. Effort will be made to include right from the start also seniors from non-member (not yet member) EU states.
Expected are delegations from the following organisations:
Adult education centre Ottakring, Vienna, Austria
University of the Third Age at Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia
» European House, Vukovar, Croatia
» Danube Association, Novi Sad, Serbia
» Gerontological Association, Serbia
Group European Integration, Pitesti, Romania
European Management Centre, Sofia, Bulgaria
» UTA Moldavia, Moldavia Moldovia
» West Ukrainian Resources Centre, Lviv, Ukraine
The host: ZAWiW at University Ulm and
Working Group European Contacts, Germany
The seminar marks the start of the planned European partnership "Danube Networkers" (applied for at the Grundtvig Progam of the EU). The project goal is to make exchange of experiences and competences possible for older citizens and to include them in an active intercultural and intergenerational dialogue.
The scientific coordination in the way of action research will be carried out by ZAWiW.