Danube Networkers at work » Active Ageing /sites/www.danet-at-work.eu Tue, 02 Jul 2013 13:48:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.6.1 1st Panel in Slovenia: Summary of the lecture prepared for the 1st DANET Meeting “Active Ageing in European Countries” /sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/summary-of-the-lecture-prepared-for-the-1st-danet-meeting-active-ageing-in-european-countries/ /sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/summary-of-the-lecture-prepared-for-the-1st-danet-meeting-active-ageing-in-european-countries/#comments Fri, 25 Mar 2011 18:02:36 +0000 Majda Azman /sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/?p=1114 Dušana Findeisen
Active Ageing in European Policies, Professional Literature and in Our Eyes

Active ageing  as it is being addressed  in European policies is mostly about working longer beyond the legal retirement age and about bettering working conditions. It is about the concept of lifelong work. Further, it is also about flex security: access to lifelong learning and education, corporate responsibility and more efficient age management in companies. But what about active ageing or activity in old age, theory that started being shaped around the year 1952 arguing that the level of  older people’s satisfaction with life can be correlated to the level of their activity.

The position of older people in the society is socially constructed and their valuable cooperation with younger generations is possible only, if we achieve to have in society plural values. Besides, health, family friends and work, other values more typical of the third age , the post retirement period, should be valued and encouraged: being slow against  being quick (taking time for observing, sharing, transferring knowledge , values, taste onto other generations, having meaningful relationships, putting people first), being weak against being strong and aggressive( when one is weak one is more observant, careful also about the others, tradition( if we know where we come from we start being more cooperative with other generations, understanding ( understanding and appreciating relationships), etc. In work dominated societies older people and other social groups which are not in the mainstream of the society slowly find themselves squeezed out of the society to its edge.

The position of older people could change, if stereotypes about older people were slowly transformed (they are always in  a bad mood, they are expensive, they keep complaining, they are not interested, they do not manage new technologies) and banned.

Active ageing was researched at the Slovenian third Age University. We were interested in our formulations of active ageing and we have discovered that: being active in old age means » being surrounded, progressing in different directions, also in gaining and using knowledge, being able to guide younger generations and others who are in the need of advice, being interested in who we are and where we are headed, being interested in transferring values onto other( younger)  generations and peers. Oddly enough in  ex-socialist countries being active in old age does not mean ( at all) being an active citizen and a lot of education leading towards organised voluntary activities for the benefit of the society would be needed.

/sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/summary-of-the-lecture-prepared-for-the-1st-danet-meeting-active-ageing-in-european-countries/feed/ 1
1st Panel in Slovenia: Some reflections of the Slovene participants on ‘Active ageing’ /sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/reflections-of-the-slovene-participants-in-the-panel-1-on-active-ageing/ /sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/reflections-of-the-slovene-participants-in-the-panel-1-on-active-ageing/#comments Fri, 25 Mar 2011 18:01:11 +0000 Gabriela Körting /sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/?p=1853 WHAT IS ACTIVE AGEING

  • Preparation for active ageing must start before retirement; it should be part of education and training provided by the employer.
  • To age actively means to keep learning and to be able to change together with the changing world.
  • Active ageing is more than just continuing to work  in one’s profession or providing care for the helpless elderly peers.  It means being independent, stable and capable of giving and advising.
  • The three priority occupations of  the participants in the meeting are active care for their families  ( parents, partners, children, grandchildren), spiritual growth, learning/education.
  • Can efforts for spiritual growth (search for the meaning of life, contemplation of nature, contemplative meditation etc.) be regarded as active ageing? Is work the only positive value of the man in the European culture?


  • The basic characteristic of learning/education in the third age should be joy. It is not only an intellectual activity, it stimulates building of social networks, friendships and solidarity.
  • Study circles organized for the elderly should take into account the wealth of their knowledge and experience. There should be more debates and discussions than proper lectures. The senior participants’ initiatives should be followed.
  • The Ministry of Education should be formally approached with the request to enable senior citizens to pursue higher education courses on a regular basis free of charge.
  • In the third age women tend to be involved much more often than men in educational activities. Men experience a shock when they retire and tend to retreat into passivity. More effort should be made to attract them to join study circles, perhaps by offering some more »male interest« oriented subjects.
  • Discussions about active ageing, the possibilities of voluntary work, involvement in civil society should be held within the Third Age University study circles on a regular basis.


  • Intergenerational cooperation creates new knowledge and new activities. It should not be equated with solidarity, which  means giving.
  • The younger generations can learn from the older the importance  of having  time  for  things  outside work – building of relationships, following traditions, learning and passing on knowledge.
  • Younger generations can learn from the old how to live in a  community.


  • Older people possess a great deal of knowledge and experience. The society should implement the necessary infrastructure to enable them to make use of their competences.
  • Older people know what a local community needs and can take on a number of activities/services without waiting for local authorities to organize everything.
  • At present, older people can provide help to younger generations in inter-generationally organized clubs, through school coaching and similar private initiatives. Older people could help young parents with babysitting and picking up from school in housing community based programmes (»rent-a grandma«).
  • The Third Age University could organize »knowledge-exchange”, preparing a list of older people willing to provide help (a service) based on their skills and knowledge on the one hand and a list of people who need help of a certain type on the other.
/sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/reflections-of-the-slovene-participants-in-the-panel-1-on-active-ageing/feed/ 0
1st Panel in Croatia- “Art Workshop” /sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/1st-panel-in-croatia-art-workshop-2/ /sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/1st-panel-in-croatia-art-workshop-2/#comments Wed, 23 Mar 2011 14:14:16 +0000 Gabriela Körting /sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/?p=3616 Participants of the Art workshop have created interesting artistic expressions on the topic of Active ageing.

You can see the photos of the pictures here.

/sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/1st-panel-in-croatia-art-workshop-2/feed/ 0
1st Panel in Croatia: Thesis summary from the “Workshop Active Ageing” /sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/thesis-summary-panel-1-workshop-active-ageing/ /sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/thesis-summary-panel-1-workshop-active-ageing/#comments Wed, 23 Mar 2011 13:59:44 +0000 Gordana Radonic /sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/?p=1829
  • Preconditions for active ageing are: attitude to life, active socialising, health care, continuous learning, entertainment and travelling.
  • Approach to life requires an individual decision to live actively, planning activities and doing regular duties.
  • Active socialising includes meeting family, friends, colleagues and being active in professional jobs.
  • Health care includes regular preventive health check-ups, daily physical activity, recreation such as gym, backpacking, yoga, pilates, skiing, tai-chi, swimming, dancing, walking with friends or alone and having pets.
  • For continuous learning it is good to learn foreign languages, computing skills, reading books and watching movies or TV series preferably in a foreign language, practising and learning about arts.
  • For the entertainment we can  go to the cinema, theatre, concerts, visiting public events and solving enigmatic problems.
  • Trips are great to keep constant change and include travelling abroad, getting along in unknown situations, outings, visits to children and relatives who live abroad, study tours related to student’s ideas from the Public Open University programmes.
  • For active ageing it is necessary to develop the awareness of responsibility for the quality of life from the early youth.
  • The most important thing is  to raise awareness of the importance of enjoying the present, being happy with little things, trying to include some fun in every day and having hobbies because they are elixir of life.
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    /sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/thesis-summary-panel-1-workshop-active-ageing/feed/ 0
    1st Panel in Croatia: Thesis summary from “Intergenerational Workshop” /sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/thesis-summary-panel-1-in-croatia-intergenerational-workshop/ /sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/thesis-summary-panel-1-in-croatia-intergenerational-workshop/#comments Wed, 23 Mar 2011 13:56:16 +0000 Gordana Radonic /sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/?p=1824 Intergenerational workshop within the framework of the project DANET pursued investigating the concept of active ageing using the method of incomplete sentences, among the students of the School of Arts and Crafts in Zagreb (third grades of the secondary school, at the ages of 16 to 17).
    The moderator of the workshop is Martina Božić, mag. educ., and the survey has been managed by Gordana Matković – Kamenar, mag. educ. Intergeneration workshop was well-attended and developed in a constructive way.Different opinions have been put forward as well as facts from gained experiences.

    The students were asked three questions; here are some of the replies:

    1. What is meant by the third age?

    By selecting the students’ replies we got the opinion of the majority, which is, that old age begins after the age between 50 and 60, and that it is in fact an undesired age.

    It is the age of most difficult experiences, perception of being rejected, waiting for the angel of death in the premises of gloomy old people’s homes.

    The replies on the part of those who are persons with fine prospects indicate that in fact stereotypes in connection with the third age people must be altered promptly and thoroughly, especially through the instruments of the government which ‘the golden generation’ deprived of their dignity and belittled their merits that have been won during their life.

    2. Does belonging to the third age group mean being intellectually old?

    NO – the common reply of the secondary school students.

    Both generations plead for active ageing because it is ageing meeting high standards.

    People who belong to the third age group could hear, examine and try out all that what they have not managed to do because of their job and family obligations. They should meet socially, travel, learn foreign languages and transfer their wisdom and life experience to the young people.

    3. How young people can help people of the third age?

    One has to communicate more with the elderly, visit their grandmas and grandpas more frequently. The elderly should not be abandoned but help them when being sick, and, as much as they can, also financially. Show them that they are loved and that we need them.

    Some secondary school students’ replies singled out:

    * The old age is a period in which people frequently became depressed, because they think that nobody needs them any more.

    * The old age is not there just to lament, the old age is there for the reason to repeat our youth and to experience, once again, all that we went through in our childhood, and our grandchildren help us with all that – with them we go to the kindergarten again, watch cartoons, go to school, enrol to secondary school, graduate college, and if necessary get up early again….

    * Then we are on holidays that last as long as we’re alive.

    * The old age is the golden age where the winners are only those people who do not give up on themselves!


    /sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/thesis-summary-panel-1-in-croatia-intergenerational-workshop/feed/ 2
    1st Panel in Ulm, Germany, had taken place /sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/panel-1-in-ulm-has-taken-place/ /sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/panel-1-in-ulm-has-taken-place/#comments Fri, 25 Feb 2011 20:03:09 +0000 Gabriela Körting /sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/?p=1258

    On the 22nd of February 2011, 14:30-17.30, in the Generationnentreff (Generations meeting point) in Ulm / Neu-Ulm, the first Panel on the subject “Active ageing in Europe – Solidarity between the generations” took place.  Over 30 older citizens from Ulm, Neu-Ulm and surrounding areas discussed in small groups in the style of a “World café” on the subjects Education, Voluntary Work, Old & Young, Health Prevention.
    Videoclip_Buergerforum 1 in Ulm


    How can education contribute to active ageing? Can education contribute to participation and independence of older people? What kind of education offer do older people want?
    View and discuss the thesis

    Voluntary work

    What motivates older people, to engage themselves in voluntary work? Do they have to engage themselves in society or do they have a right to a “later freedom” to be left in peace?
    View and discuss the thesis

    Old and young

    What forms can the relationship between young and old have? Can meetings of the generations influence image of age in a positive way? Can solidarity between the generations be lived?
    View and discuss the thesis

    Health prevention

    What helps older people, to get old in good health?
    View and discuss the thesis

    /sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/panel-1-in-ulm-has-taken-place/feed/ 0
    1st Panel in Ulm, thesis summary on subject “Education” /sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/thesis-summary-panel-1-in-germany-education/ /sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/thesis-summary-panel-1-in-germany-education/#comments Fri, 25 Feb 2011 19:52:55 +0000 Gabriela Körting /sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/?p=1247
  • Is (continuing-) education a right or a duty?
  • Ageing and education are a lifelong process. Positive learning experiences in youth are prerequisite for learning motivation in older age. Ageing and old age should be learning subjects in schools and further education.
  • Education requires good frameworks: easy to reach locations, via public transport accessible to older people, cost corresponding to income, new forms of education programs (learning, education connected more with communication and social exchange, access to socially-relevant themes such as access to new media should be cost-free for all). The active design of such frameworks is the task of politicians.
  • Right to education for older people with disablements (seeing, hearing mobility), development of barrier-free education possibilities and also education possibilities in own home via the new media.
  • Strengthening of learning motivation, especially of people with low interest in continuing education, through educational programs in areas that relate to their interests.
  • Needed will be education consultants for older people in companies, health insurance companies, etc. who will prepare older people for their post-professional phase, respectively show them new ways to continuing education and to new fields of activity.
  • Politicians are asked to initiate and to financially support an “Alliance for Lifelong Learning” including all education institutions and educational forms (formal, informal, non-formal).
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    /sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/thesis-summary-panel-1-in-germany-education/feed/ 11
    1st Panel in Ulm, thesis summary on subject “Voluntary work” /sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/thesis-summary-panel-1-in-germany-voluntary-work/ /sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/thesis-summary-panel-1-in-germany-voluntary-work/#comments Fri, 25 Feb 2011 19:49:33 +0000 Gabriela Körting /sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/?p=1238
  • What is voluntary work? Activities that are carried out for the common good of the society or needy people, without financial reward or reimbursement of expenses.
  • The expenses connected with carrying out voluntary work must be reimbursed by the organization for which the volunteer works. At the same the organization should have the possibility to get such reimbursements back over tax reliefs or similar. The request on the politicians is therefore to provide such organizations with more funds, so that they can reward voluntary work better.
  • Times of voluntary work activity should, analogous to times spent with bringing up children, be added to the rent contribution times.
  • An obligatory social year should be introduced for young people – after the abolition of the Army civil service (in Germany young men had a choice to serve either in an army or provide voluntary work in social establishments. This option ceases as from March 2011  the army service will be only voluntary). A part of this time should be dedicated to work in old people’s homes and old people’s care establishments.
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    /sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/thesis-summary-panel-1-in-germany-voluntary-work/feed/ 10
    1st Panel in Ulm, thesis summary on subject “Old and young” /sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/thesis-summary-panel-1-in-germany-old-and-young/ /sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/thesis-summary-panel-1-in-germany-old-and-young/#comments Fri, 25 Feb 2011 19:44:11 +0000 Gabriela Körting /sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/?p=1225
  • Age is a relative term. In Germany many people want to get old, but not be seen as being old.
  • Many older people have made positive experiences in joint activities of the old and the young outside of their own families (time-witness work, projects in schools, etc.), when the old and the young learn together and have experiences of success and fun together. It is important that the participants take part actively and build up personal relationships.
  • There is a controversial discussion if the “Generationsvertrag”  (the so-called ‘generations-pact’ where the current generation pays the previous generation’s pensions) obliges the older people to engage themselves socially – not only for the younger generations (human longevity obliges to give support inside the family, e.g. taking care of grandchildren or engaging in voluntary work).
  • Those in responsible positions in politics, economy and society have to create frameworks in the form of policies and funding, etc. so that..
    Older people are not seen as a burden but as a resource
    Old age poverty will be prevented
    Solidarity between the generations will be strengthened
  • Old and young have a joint responsibility for the future!
    Does the old person have to take active part in the society or can he/she rest on his/her achievements? Does the younger generation share the responsibility for wellbeing of the older generation?
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    /sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/thesis-summary-panel-1-in-germany-old-and-young/feed/ 4
    1st Panel in Ulm, thesis summary on subject “Health prevention” /sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/thesis-summary-panel-1-in-germany-health-prevention/ /sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/thesis-summary-panel-1-in-germany-health-prevention/#comments Fri, 25 Feb 2011 19:40:05 +0000 Gabriela Körting /sites/www.danet-at-work.eu/?p=1218
  • Physical and mental activities and social contacts help to keep healthy.
  • The local environment must be so organized, so that it contributes to health maintenance of older people (e.g. centre for seniors, sport centers, nature). Here belong also measures that make user-friendly access possible for people with disablements in seeing, hearing, and also in relation to use of the new media.
  • Prevention is better than cure. Knowledge and individual initiative are needed (healthy diet, exercise, social communication). Health insurance companies should finance prevention measures, e.g. alternative medicine, low priced medicaments.
  • Health prevention is a responsibility of each individual, but how far is each individual obliged to behave in a health-preserving way?
  • Prevention starts in childhood!
  • The financing of our health system. It cannot be that the strongest in a society are freed from the “solidarity principle” of the health insurance companies! Health is an issue of the whole society. (In Germany richer people can pay instead of a state health insurance in private health insurance companies).
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