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Scottish Profile

The Senior Studies Institute (SSI), University of Strathclyde is a place of learning in Glasgow for people over 50 where we create a climate of optimism about the possibilities of later life. There are many daytime classes and seminars, volunteer projects, Club activities and even some opportunities for paid work.

Myrtle McGregor President of LiLL Students' Association Myrtle McGregor 

Myrtle is president of the Learning in Later Life Students' Association (3Ls) and is the person behind the creation of a web site for the Association. She has also been a computer buddy. In her career she was a science teacher but she is now very active in promoting art exhibitions to raise money for charity and is an enthusiastic student of French.
Project co-ordinator: Val Bissland 

'I am the SSI development officer and have managed the Computer Buddy project since it began in 1999. There are around 15 buddies. We have two dedicated teaching computers with printers and scanners. The project allows new learners to book individual coaching sessions and introduces them to computers in a relaxed and informal way. The buddies also support 3L Computer Club members who attend the lab on Friday afternoons. Buddies encourage people to use the web for information-gathering, learning and fun.'
Val Bissland

4 Senior Student Participants

Jean Masson
Jean Masson  jean_masson@madasafish.com
'I started using a computer at work for word processing about 20 years ago. However, computers have changed dramatically and I now use a computer mainly to surf the Web. Two years ago I enrolled on an Open University distance learning course that was delivered entirely on the Internet. This whetted my appetite. In fact, now I am completely hooked and enjoy helping others through the Computer Buddy Project.'
Peter Macfarlane  petermacf@btopenworld.com
'I worked as a mechanical engineer partly with IBM. I have used Computer-Aided Design and have typed a specification using non-window WordPerfect 5.1. I have attended several SSI computer courses and I am a very keen computer buddy and Club member. I bought a second-hand PC in 2001 and recently a new powerful PC with Windows XP that I thoroughly enjoy. I am also the administrator of the Computer Club.'

Peter Macfarlane
John Quigley
John Quigley  jvaq@hotmail.com
'After 40 years in the electronics industry I accepted early retirement two years ago. About 20 years I began using computers for calculations and to simulate engineering procedures. Later I used them for word processing and spreadsheets.
Now I use PCs for report writing, financial calculations and presentations using Powerpoint. At present I am working as a part-time tutor on Introduction to I.T. courses. I am also vice president of the 3L Computer Club and an active computer buddy.'

Eric Sutherland  erms@totalise.co.uk
'I have been using computers since 1986 when I worked for British Telecom and in Saudi Arabia to carry out assignments. Since leaving my paid job I have used computers for word processing, e-mails and the Internet. As a volunteer on the Computer Buddy Project and as a paid assistant tutor for the SSI computer classes I have a good understanding of many software packages and systems. I also maintain the web pages of my local Rugby club and I am President of the 3L Computer Club.

Eric Sutherland