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Vorstellung der TeilnehmerInnen

Bernd Hahn

More or less coincidentally I was born in 1933 in Cologne, my parents changed their domicile frequently. That influenced me and I have lived in the course of my life at twelve different places. Now I am happy to live in Dillingen/Donau in Bavarian Swabia. This also explains my connection to the University of Ulm and the ZAWiW and the working group Seniors and Internet.

I am still enthusiastic about the PC and the InterNet and naturally constantly busy with learning new forms of communication as well as passing my knowledge about these topics to other older people. And so there is no boredom and constantly new challenges in my senior life.
Horst Schwiebert

My name is Horst Schwiebert. I was born in 1936 and I am retired since 1998. I entered the work group EUROPEAN CONTACTS of ZAWiW in 1999 and was working in several international projects in the framework of the programme “Learning through research”. In the SOLILL- project (Self-organized learning in later life) our work group has investigated about the topics “Eating culture in Europa as example BREAD” and “Housing programmes for seniors” in cooperation with projects partners in several European countries.

Two further European Grundtvigt projects followed at which for the being I am participating : EUCONET and TownStories. Because of my experience in the job as Export Manager I am not only profitating from my knowledge of foreign languages (English, Spanish, some Italian), but also from my pleasure to contacts with our European neighbours.
Birgitte Trojahn

My name is Brigitte Trojahn. Since 1993, I have been working in the way of "learning through research" in various working groups at ZAWiW of the University of Ulm, in particular the working group "European Contacts". I cooperated in the information campaign Senior-Info-Mobil, demonstrating to other seniors how to use the Internet. I like travelling and I'm interested in other cultures.
Carmen Stadelhofer
Erich Regula

I am Erich Regula, born in 1934 in Graz, Austria, married, 3 grown up children.
Since 1970 I live in Ulm. I worked as chemist with baking ingredients and am retired since 1999. My areas of interest are: food chemistry, bread and grain, bio-technology, computer and the internet, mountain climbing, skiing, bicycle touring, travelling.
I found that "Learning by Research" at ZAWIW / University of Ulm was an idea that could cover my interests and give me the possibility for useful work.
In the ZAWIW and STIC working groups I can learn about computer use and internet and I try to teach this knowledge to other seniors. In the group "European Contacts" we travel to partners in other countries and see the foreign partners in our country. I took part in an European project about eating culture and bread in different countries. I found the task of EuCoNet is very interesting: to compare the systems of computer education for seniors in different countries and to improve these systems by adopting the experiences from the other partners. I will be happy if I can contribute a little to this task.
Gabi Koerting

I was born in Prague, Czech Republic and lived and worked a long time in Great Britain. In ZAWiW, I am responsible for process management of European projects and other international activities and coordinate a working group called "European Contacts". I also taught the use of the Internet to seniors during ZAWiW's Seasons Academies. In my work as well as private life, I use the new communication media, namely the Internet, extensively - what would I do now without it! It is a quick and easy source of information as well as a communication link to my relatives, friends and colleagues home and abroad.
Günter Fischer

I am Guenter Fischer, born in 1935. Since 1997 I am a member of the working group SENET at ZAWiW at the University of Ulm. There I have cooperated on various tasks, which have to do with the introduction of the new information and communication technologies to older people. The EuCoNet project aims at European level in the same direction and that is why I like to be taking part in this project. Especially important for me are the contacts and exchange of experiences with the participating partners.
Hans-Martin Erb
Liane Rohn

Hello, dear class participants! I participate since 1995 regularly in the seasons academies of ZAWIW of the University of Ulm. In 1996 I worked on the project "physician patient relationship" under the direction of Prof.Dr. Zenz and Dr. Hrabal (see also homepage), which lasted over some years and received media attention. Philosophy and history of the medicine are beside reading my spheres of interest, and I like to write prosa and aphorisms. Since last year I belong to a circle of virtual readers, and recently joined the working group SENET. Since a few years I am one of the so called "Green ladies" in a rehabilitation hospital. This honorary activity is important for patients and also for me. At the beginning of the year I participated in the TvL course as I still need some help with the computer. I am a widow since 10 years and in retirement for 7 years. Before the building of the Wall my late husband (political refugee) and I fled from East Germany into BRD. Now and already for a long time I look forward to "Europe".
Edith Radecker

I was born and grew up in Ulm on the Danube. I became a member of ZAWiW in 1999 and am active in various learning groups. EuCoNet interested me especially in view of the European enlargement. The possibility to learn the various life styles and qualities of the partner countries, to be able to keep in contact with other seniors sharing the same interests and to foster exchange in continuing education, is all very interesting for me.