Brno University of Technology (BUT)
Internet lokation
Brno University of Technology
Antoninska 548/1
CZ 601 90 Brno, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 54114 1111*
Fax: +420 54121 1309
With more then 15,000 students BUT is now the second largest university in Brno. BUT is strongly oriented to the modern technologies and comprises eight faculties:
Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and
Communication, and Architecture. The study at these faculties has recently been complemented by a number of new courses. Thanks to the establishment of the
Faculty of Business and Management, Faculty of Fine Arts, Faculty of Chemistry
and the Faculty of Information Technology since 1.1.2002, the range of the study areas has been widened so that, at present, the Brno University of Technology, as the only technical university in the Czech republic, covers the whole spectrum of technical sciences. More about this university, which was founded in 1899, you can see on its web sites (English version):

University of the Third Age on BUT (U3V on BUT).
This new service of BUT to the public society was started in 2000. The original idea was to present to our older people possibilities, given by new technologies; starting from information and communication, through new architecture to modern style of banking and others. We offer "Basic Course", which gives 52 lectures in two academic years. This study is proposed on 3 years. In the third year students can choose from 8 specially oriented and more practically focused courses. Mayor themes and orientation of courses in the 3rd year are as follows:
1st year:
Modern information and communication technology
Buildings of the century
Power engineering - the past, present and future
The architectural and urban heritage of the Czech Lands
Past and present of aviation
The application of computer technology in engineering and architecture
Development and history of transport
Modern design
2nd year:
Digital audio-visual systems, computer vision and graphics
The current financial, entrepreneurial, exchange and production environment in the Czech Republic
Transport systems, the current situation and prospects for the future
Chemistry and human health
3rd year:
Faculty of Art |
Art theory and history |
Faculty of Civil Engineering |
The ecology of water structures |
Faculty of Business and Management |
The strengths and weaknesses of small business in the Czech Republic in the run-up to accession to the EU |
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering |
Air transport safety, Environmental engineering |
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication |
Robotics, Telecommunications , Modern TV and video technology,
Microelectronics. |
During this Basic Course senior students have free using of Internet rooms in Centre of BUT for unlimited time.
(It is covered in basic fee).