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_ _ Erlebnisse des Ulmer Achters
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_ _ Gallery
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_ _ Gallery 2
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_ _ Reviews from Brünn
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Memories of Brno - Friday 21th

More presentations by partner countries and then a lab session to experience 'Net Meeting.'After an early dinner, we walked across wide roads, avoiding trams and trolley buses to the Janácek Theatre - a smart modern 1960s building with marble-like floors and spacious foyers, not unlike the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall. The concert by the Brno Philharmonic Orchestra, was superb with pieces by Suk, Martinù and Debussy, including a virtuoso violin performance.
Afterwards we visited a famous pub, named after a book, "Schweile Šveijle" ("The Brave Soldier") by Jaroslav Hašele, a very funny anti-war book about a not brave soldier. Good Czech beer, conversation and a kind gift of schnapps.

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