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_ _ Meeting Brno
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_ _ Minutes and Action Plan
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_ Memories of Brno
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_ _ Erlebnisse des Ulmer Achters
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_ _ Gallery
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_ _ Gallery 2
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_ _ Reviews from Brünn
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Memories of Brno - Saturday 22th

Plans for the future were discussed - an intense meeting in which Gaby translated people's statements from Czech into German and English, and made her notes for the minutes, at the same time as chairing the meeting - an incredible performance! After lunch, a bus took us on a sightseeing trip with a professional guide. We visited the Augustinian Abbey of St. Thomas in Old Brno, and the adjacent Gothic Basilica. In this complex was the museum of Gregor Mendel, ordained as a priest in 1847, but also a scholar who studied maths and the natural sciences. He researched heredity basing his work on pea plants. His experiments laid the foundations for the science of genetics.

Later some of us climbed the hill to Špilberk Castle with a splendid panoramic view of the city. It was originally a 13th century royal castle, later a fortress, then a prison, and now a museum with rooms for weddings and meetings. Then it was back to the city for a little shopping.

In the evening we travelled by bus to the Old Post Restaurant near Rousinov. We were met at the gate of the courtyard and served a schnapps-like drink to counteract the bitter cold. A brazier flamed away, where three men stood dressed as Napoleon Buonaparte's soldiers with their long muskets. The restaurant owner in a long flowing cloak, gave the command. The soldiers marched towards us, presented arms, then fired loudly. We were beginning to get into the swing of things! We were led to a stable with 6 horses where the owner told the story of the Battle of Austerlitz, while Gaby translated. 15,000 cavalry fought, and many soldiers chose to sleep with the horses to combat the cold.

Every year, people come from many countries to re-enact the battle. The museum has model armies set out in battle positions. Napoleon accepted the capitulation of the Austrian and Russian forces in December, 1805. We saw portraits of the three leaders.

It is interesting to note that Napoleon defeated the Austrians at Ulm in October, 1805, then occupied Vienna, before the Austerlitz defeat. Austria was forced to recognise French supremacy in Italy and Germany. It seems that EuCoNet is following in Napoleon's footsteps!
After wine-tasting in the host's cellar, we climbed a steep wooden staircase to the gallery restaurant. As the gallant Prof. Reinhardt Rüdel came everywhere with us, the "soldiers" were useful to help with his chair. After soup a large round bread roll with the top sliced open was served with stew inside and a wooden spoon. A sweet cake completed the meal. As ever, Jan provided spirited music accompanied by his brother, with the words of popular songs projected on the wall so there was no excuse not to join in. Others joined in with a variety of percussion instruments adding to the fun.

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