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_ _ Meeting Brno
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_ _ Minutes and Action Plan
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_ Memories of Brno
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_ _ Erlebnisse des Ulmer Achters
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_ _ Gallery
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_ _ Gallery 2
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_ _ Reviews from Brünn
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Memories of Brno - Sunday 23th

All good things come to an end. The Glasgow team's minibus arrived at 0900. We dropped our luggage at the airport, then were driven back to magical Prague. We walked to the River Vltava through old, narrow shopping streets, and crossed Charles Bridge on a beautiful, sunny afternoon. In the middle of the bridge we met by chance Carmen and Boba (who lives in Prague.)

Two hours later, back in the Old Town Square, we found our driver. At the airport we had to restrain Val from going on-line at the Internet desks! When we arrived in Glasgow, it felt as if we had been away a very long time. A lot had happened. You may have the impression that it was all eating and drinking! However there were late nights in hotel rooms preparing presentations, and staying alert during the long meetings. We had been very well entertained and equally we had learned much about each other's efforts to bring information technology alive.