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XXX A3 - 1 The employment policy

In Slovakia we have some problems too. One of them is an unemployment. Rate is over 15 %. We must to solve this problem, because that is one of the biggest problems in Slovakia. Government and Ministry of Labour an Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic have taken some decision in this area. The employment policy has the following main objectives:
To provide jobs for all persons wishing and able to work and seeking employment,
To enable free selection of employment and acquisition of qualification for an appropriate employment,
To establish and maintain the balance between the demand and supply of labour,
To minimise the extent of unemployment,
To ensure adequate subsistence of citizens who have blamelessly lost their jobs by granting them unemployment benefits while motivating them to seek employment,
To provide for vocational preparation and retraining in correspondence with the requirements of the labour market,
To establish conditions for creation of labour opportunities by generating new jobs,
To establish conditions for maintaining employment and preventing collective redundancies,
To adopt measures in support of:
1. Professional mobility, by adapting the supply of labour to the availability of jobs in various vocations,
2. Territorial mobility, by promoting relocation of employees to regions offering appropriate employment, To guarantee free mediation of employment and free consulting service to all citizens.
The employment policy is implemented by the following entities, acting within their respective jurisdictions and in co-operation with organisations associating employee representatives as well as with organisations associating employer representatives:

XXX A3 - 2 The labour market policy

The labour market policy as a component of employment policy is a system of support and assistance available to all citizens and enabling them to occupy vacant jobs in the labour market. Its primary objective is to assure the right of citizens to appropriate employment mainly by the following methods:
(a) Mediation of employment,
(b) Consulting service,
(c) Promotion of employment by generation of new jobs, maintaining existing jobs and by the establishment of conditions supporting professional and territorial mobility,
(d) Adaptation of the vocational structure of employees and of unemployed persons to the requirements of the labour market,
(e) Mitigation of negative impacts of structural and/or organisational changes and rationalization measures upon the rate of employment,
(f) Increased care for vocational enforcement of the following groups of persons:
1. Juveniles concluding vocational preparation,
2. Graduates of secondary schools and universities (hereinafter referred to as "school graduates"),
3. Citizens above 50 years,
4. Citizens registered as unemployed for more than one year (hereinafter referred to as "long-term unemployed persons",
5. Disabled citizens

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