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Global Internet statistics by language

Here is an overview of the languages of the world, but only the languages used in the Internet are named, all the other languages are summarized under "Rest of the World" with 43%. Chinese is in the first place, followed by English, Spanish, Arabic.

The distribution of languages in the world online population is quite different: English is predomininant with 35%, followed by Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, German, Korean, French and Italian.

If we look at the distribution of languages in the webpages of the world, the predominance of English is still more significant. 68% of all webpages are in English, the next languages Japanese and German are below 6%, followed by Chinese, French, Spanish, Russian and Italian.

How can we solve the language problem?
There are three ways to promote the spreading of the Internet in respect to language:
  1. Improve the knowledge of foreign languages, especially English
  2. Use of translation machines
  3. Increase the number and quality of websites in the national language

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