  [TownStories] [gemeinsamlernen] [LiLL]
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  Dreieck nach obenGemeinsamLernen  
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  Dreieck nach obenEuCoNet
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  _Background information and statistics
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_ < Page 3 of 6 >
_ up - home
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_ _ Germany
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_ _ Italy
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_ _ Slowakei
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_ _ Spanien
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_ _ Tschechien
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_ _ United Kingdom
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_ _ Seniors' education in project countries
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_ Statistics in Internet Use
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Here we see the percentage of PCs and the percentage of people online in our partner countries.
In the majority of countries the number of PCs is higher or equal than the number of internet users.
In Spain and much more in Italy the number of internet users is higher.
Possible reason: Internet access is achieved more in public places like Internet cafès or libraries than at home.
By the way: In Italy there are not so many onliners, but the highest number of cellular phones in Europe.

Another method is the count of Internet hosts per 1000 inhabitants. These results were obtained from our Italian partners.

The map shows internet density in Europe.

Host count differs remarkably from the number of onliners obtained by interview technics.
  • Scandinavian countries and Netherlands are high in either mode, followed by Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, UK.
  • Germany, France, Spain and Czech Republic are nearly equal.
  • The rest of Eastern countries, former Yougoslavia and Greece are low.
  • The number of hosts is rising in all countries, but in Italy much more than in other countries.

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