  [TownStories] [gemeinsamlernen] [LiLL]
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  Dreieck nach obenGemeinsamLernen  
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  Dreieck nach obenEuCoNet
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  _Background information and statistics
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_ < Page 6 of 6
_ up - home
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_ _ Germany
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_ _ Italy
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_ _ Slowakei
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_ _ Spanien
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_ _ Tschechien
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_ _ United Kingdom
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_ _ Seniors' education in project countries
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_ Statistics in Internet Use
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Reasons for not using the Internet: The columns for Spain and Germany cannot be compared directly - the Spanish values add up to 100%, wheras in Germany multiple answers were possible, so the sum is higher than 100%. It is somewhat peculiar that a high number of German offliners are anxious to have less social contacts by PC use. To our opinion just the contrary is true, especially for seniors. If the movability is restricted in higher age, it is possible to maintain contacts by emails and the Internet.

  • The order of Internet use in our countries seems to be: U.K.-Germany-Italy-Spain- Chech Republic-Slovakia
  • Senior Internet access in Western Europe is on a broader basis, whereas in Czech Republic and Slovakia we have a small number of very competent users.
  • Use of the Internet is developing rapidly, especially in the Eastern countries, but much has to be done still, chiefly for the seniors

"I never trust in statistics I did not falsify myself"
But I hope I did not falsify too much.