  [TownStories] [gemeinsamlernen] [LiLL]
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  Dreieck nach obenGemeinsamLernen  
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  Dreieck nach obenEuCoNet
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  _Background information and statistics
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_ < Page 4 of 6 >
_ up - home
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_ _ Germany
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_ _ Italy
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_ _ Slowakei
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_ _ Spanien
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_ _ Tschechien
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_ _ United Kingdom
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_ _ Seniors' education in project countries
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_ Statistics in Internet Use
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Quite different results we get by setting the number of Internet hosts in relation to income (gross domestic product). From our partner countries Czech Republic and Slovakia come in the first places, Germany in the last place. From all European countries Estonia is on top, followed by Finland. The reason may be, that Estonia has traditionally strong connections to Finland. The languages of these two countries are closely related.

This diagram shows the development of Internet use in Czech Republic, Slovakia and Germany. In all of these countries the number of onliners is rising in spite of different levels of use.

In the Western European countries nowadays more people use the Internet at home than in business.

In the Eastern European countries access outside is predominating.

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