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Rosetta Freschi

My name is Rosetta Freschi.
I was born in 1942 in Vicenza, a town in the north-east of Italy, where I’ve spent all my life with my family: husband and two girls.
For more than 20 years I worked as accountant in a small industry. When my second daughter was born, I had to quit my job and I became a full-time mother.
Since 2000 I’ve been attending Rezzara’s courses at the university for the adults' education. I’m refreshing my English and beginning to learn Spanish. I’m attending also a painting course. I love art in general and like to spend my spare time making oil paintings or water colours.
About the project, I think it gives me the chance to meet people who come from different parts of Europe, to find out what links us and to make friends.
I would like to be able to break stereotypes about Italians showing that we aren’t only "mafia, spaghetti and mandolino"
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