  [ZAWiW] [gemeinsamlernen] [LiLL]
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  Dreieck nach obenGemeinsamLernen  
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  Dreieck nach obenSelbstorganisierte Lerngruppen in Europa
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  Dreieck nach obenArbeitsergebnisse
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    Dreieck nach obenWohnen / Lebensräume  
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    _Arnhem Thema  
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_ Seite 1 von 4 >
_ Inhalt
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_ Einleitung
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_ _ Ergebnisse
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_ _ Austausch mit Gruppe Wohnumgebung
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_ _ Austausch mit Gruppe Esskultur
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With the majority of elderly people (seniors) the issue arises whether to move to a more convenient accommodation or to adept their existing living conditions. Gradual or sudden chances occur in their living situation to such an extent that the existing accommodation proves no longer satisfactory.

The number of seniors in The Netherlands is relatively high. This is still on the increase due to the fact that the Dutch population is growing, and because of the increase of the average person's lifespan as well as the relative growth of the number of seniors; plus the fact that the baby boomers after the Second World War are now reaching the age of over 55.

The affluence in The Netherlands is still expanding; therefore people are more specific about their living conditions. The most striking fact is that people want more individual space, more so than they used to in the past. Besides, people want uppermost security (domotica) in and around the house including the possibility to adapt the living conditions according to their changing preferences relating to their accommodation.

In The Netherlands there are good provisions for the elderly regards finances, accommodation and personal care, which are financed out of collective funds collected mainly from the working part of society. The issue is whether this form of solidarity can be maintained when the number of seniors increases and the number of working people decreases.