Three stages of the need for nursing care are stipulated in the legislation:

Care stage I: is valid for persons who need help at least once a day in their personal hygiene, nutrition or mobility in at least in one or two daily chores from one or more areas and additionally need help several times a week with their household supplies.
Care stage II: is valid for persons who need help with their personal hygiene, nutrition or mobility at least three times a day at various times of the day and additionally need help several times a week with their household supplies.
Care stage III: is valid for persons who need help with their personal hygiene, nutrition or mobility the whole day round and also at night and need help several times a week with their household supplies.
The nursing care benefits apply to:
· Care supplies
· Money for self-selected nursing care help
· Combination of money and supplies
· Home care in case of temporary absence of the regular caring person
· Care aid supplies and technical aid
· Day and night care
· Short term care
· Full stationary care
· Care in fully stationary establishments for disabled persons
· Services of the social insurance of the caring person (for example contributions to pension and accident insurance)
· Courses in nursing care for relatives and volunteers

Extract from the German report (Stadelhofer, Ühlein, Körting) to Salomon Project, see report TRANSNATIONAL REPORT ON ELDERLY PEOPLE CARE POLICIES 1999 at