  [ZAWiW] [gemeinsamlernen] [LiLL]
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  Dreieck nach obenGemeinsamLernen  
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  Dreieck nach obenSelbstorganisierte Lerngruppen in Europa
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  Dreieck nach obenArbeitsergebnisse
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    Dreieck nach obenWohnen / Lebensräume  
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    _Granada Thema  
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_ < Seite 3 von 5 >
_ Inhalt
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_ Wohnkonzepte
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_ _ Austausch mit Gruppe Esskultur
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_ _ Austausch mit Gruppe Wohnumgebung
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1.3. What we say: Spain experiences

Why do most people prefer to own a house rather than to rent?

  • "In the sixties or perhaps before, the state began to build "protected houses", which, with very low rent, enable the renters to buy their houses over time. Many times, this enable the owner/buyers to make a very good saving over time, because they are in sites which often appreciate in value make for good opportunities for transfer transactions and selling" (Ambrosio).
  • "Subjectively, being owner of a house gives a feeling of safety, and prestige among friends" (Ambrosio).
  • "Many of those who are now owners of houses decide to buy a second, for renting to procure money for paying the main house" (Margaret).
  • "The middle-class Spaniard thinks that the payment of rent during many years is like throwing money out on to the street" (Ambrosio).

Why is it convenient to change the present situation?

  • The Spanish Government and the experts believe that increasing the offer of rental housing and lowering the price will facilitate the movement of workers, geographically; encourage the creation of employment; and speed-up the emancipation of the young and the tranquillity of the parents.