  [ZAWiW] [gemeinsamlernen] [LiLL]
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  Dreieck nach obenGemeinsamLernen  
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  Dreieck nach obenSelbstorganisierte Lerngruppen in Europa
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  Dreieck nach obenErfahrungsberichte
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    _Granada Gruppe  
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_ < Seite 7 von 7
_ Inhalt
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_ Solill in Granada
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_ _ Ambrosio Benedicto
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_ _ Ricardo Garcia
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_ _ José María López
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_ _ Rafael Martos
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_ _ Maria A. Ruiz
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Solill in Granada


2. The Granada group

We come from the city of Granada, which is open to all cultures, as can be seen by the traces left by the Iberians, the Romans, the Visigoths, the Arabs, etc.


The Aula Permanente de Formación Abierta of the University of Granada, the School of Computer Sciences and the Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology all collaborate in this project.

Our group is multigenerational….the 4 facilitators are all much younger, and as well, we work with a young student, who wrote the section on the house of the future.

Altogether there are 17 of us, 6 women and 11 men, and we are nearly all retired. We worked in a variety of professions.


As Jose María says: "We are senior citizens, veterans of our professions, who want to cooperate with others, bringing with us our knowledge and our experience in other types of work.We are always anxious to learn something new, especially in human relationships, with our colleagues, and with those of the other member countries in the Solill project, by means of Internet. We have all noticed that we lack practice in this!"
Ambrosio, another member of our group, adds: "Although we have had some doubts during this first year of the project we all feel really satisfied to add out little bit. We must not forget to say that this project has also permitted us to feel a lot more important, especially now that we are growing older!"