  [ZAWiW] [gemeinsamlernen] [LiLL]
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  _Self-organised Learning Groups in Europe
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_ home
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_ _ Home page
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_ _ Project Partners
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_ Project Description
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_ _ Working Teams
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_ _ Work Results
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_ _ Experience Reports
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_ _ Methods
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_ _ Foto Gallery
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_ _ Forum
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_ _ Workshop 2001
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_ _ CD
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Project Description



A very important issue in this project is communication between the studying groups and the individual students as well as communication between the co-ordination office and the project partners.

The participating partner organisations are responsible for creating communication levels in the form of Internet-forums and discussion lists, while the central co-ordination will be done by ZAWiW in Ulm.

These communication provisions together with the multi-lingual nature of this project present a major challenge for the project group moderators.