  [ZAWiW] [gemeinsamlernen] [LiLL]
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  _Self-organised Learning Groups in Europe
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_ home
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_ _ Home page
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_ _ Project Partners
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_ Project Description
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_ _ Working Teams
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_ _ Work Results
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_ _ Experience Reports
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_ _ Methods
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_ _ Foto Gallery
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_ _ Forum
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_ _ Workshop 2001
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_ _ CD
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Project Description


Work results

The results of the groups' researches will be presented in a multimedia way on the homepages of the respective partner institutes, as well as on a central project homepage created by ZAWiW.

The homepages provide the senior students with space and possibility to communicate through forums and chats, to exchange and discuss learning materials and to give each other tips on working methods.

There is also the possibility for all participants to inform themselves about the progress of the research work in the other partner groups, irrespective of distance or national borders.

The results will be published in the form of CD-ROM and a brochure at the end of the project. The experiences gained in this project will be made available to other senior students who are interested in working in similar projects.