Comments on: Glasgow Mentoring by Jem Fraser Thu, 05 Sep 2013 23:08:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bärbel and Rolf-Peter König, Vile ev. Bärbel and Rolf-Peter König, Vile ev. Wed, 27 Jun 2012 09:39:53 +0000 Our favourite is the intergenerational mentoring project of the Strathclyde University of Glasgow. While in many European countries we notice an increasing number of unemployed young people. This fact marks an explosive social problem. The Strathclyde University deals with this problem in a particular way. The mentoring program look after the deprived young people, often with migration background, who often fail the aim of our school systems and professional education systems because their potential are not mentioned and their facilities are not enough supported.
This mentoring program picks up that problem in a remarkable way. Because it supports the potential of young people, who otherwise would not have schoolish and professionally specialized. The results are that young people are able to reach schoolish and professional degrees according to their possibilities and their social integration is promoted. On the other hand the resources of the elderly people are respected and appreciated.
This is an extraordinary example for the intergenerational work ink mutual for the future.

Bärbel and Rolf-Peter König, Vile ev.

By: Gianni, Aziz, Catalunya Gianni, Aziz, Catalunya Tue, 26 Jun 2012 08:26:20 +0000 It is important that volunteerism is seen and experimented as a educative process and that the values carried on through volunteeerism can reach the future generations. Therefore, it is of great importance that children are trained through art to these value because they will be the adults of tomorrow and those who will run the world of to-morrow.. The fact that art could be such a vehicle of education and transformation is a good new, we believe in the strength and potentiallity of art with respect to this objective. Another world is possible, through art and children! Thus, volunteerism has to have the children as target groups! Gianni, Aziz, Catalunya
