Tell me about your commitment » Short reports Wed, 18 Jul 2012 22:31:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Vittorio, volunteer. Mon, 16 Jul 2012 10:52:16 +0000 barcelona In the framework of the Grundtvig EU project “Tell me about your commitment!”, the local group of Barcelona made interviews to volunteers in order to collect volunteers life stories. Vittorio has a long experience as a volunteer in international cooperation projects. The video is in Spanish and not sub-titled yet ;-) 

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Five Volunteers Hat Stories Mon, 16 Jul 2012 10:09:44 +0000 barcelona In the framework of the Grundtvig EU project “Tell me about your commitment!”, the local group of Barcelona made interviews to volunteers in order to collect volunteers life stories. In this collective approach, the issue was to identify the key questons – to be or not to be ! – related to volunteerism. The video is in Spanish and not sub-titled for the moment ;-)

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THE MOVIE: Volunteering on a sunny Sunday Mon, 16 Jul 2012 10:06:36 +0000 barcelona In the framework of the Grundtvig EU project “Tell me about your commitment!”, the local group of Barcelona deicded to make a fiction movie about volunteering, in order to transmit their conclusion after months of debates about “being a volunteer”. They decided to produce, direct and play a story in which the different aspects of volunteerism appear. It is about a young woman who has never served as a volunter and who meet a group of volunteers in a “remote” neighbourhood. Step by step she gets involved with the group. The story tells the commitment of local volunteers towards their community and the organisation of a Communty Lunch – in which the whole community will take part – as a way to promote living together. The involvement of the volunteers might be at different levels, but at the end of the day they all look for transforming the reality through living and sharing the values of mutual respect, dialogue, solidarity and learning together.  The video is in Spanish, with minimum English sub-titles to make the story understandable.

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Freiwilligenarbeit in Jyväskylä, Finnland: „Cultural Pilots“ – Kulturlotsen Fri, 06 Jul 2012 12:54:32 +0000 gkoertin Bärbel und Rolf-Peter König, ZAWiW und ViLE e.V., Germany

Eine besondere Form der Freiwilligenarbeit haben wir während unseres Aufenthalts in Finnland in der Stadt Jyväskylä anlässlich unseres Austausches im Rahmen des GRUNDTVIG SENIOR VOLUNTEERS PROJECT kennen gelernt, die Arbeit der Kulturlotsen.

Zunächst waren in diese spezielle Arbeit alle Museen der Stadt eingebunden und sorgten gemeinschaftlich für die Ausbildung der Kulturlotsen, die an fünf Abenden stattfindet. Mit der Zeit beschränkte sich diese Arbeit aber nicht nur auf den musealen Innenbereich, z.B. auf die Begleitung eines Besuchs in einer Ausstellung, der Teilnahme an Workshops in Museen u.ä., sondern das Arbeitsfeld verlagerte sich weiter nach außen, wo die Lotsen z.B. die Leute zu einem Kinobesuch ausführen, sie zu literarischen Lesungen oder zu Konzerten begleiten u.v.a.m. 
Mittlerweile gibt es sogar mobile Museen in Form von Exponatenkoffern, die von Kulturlotsen zu Menschen nach Hause gebracht werden, die in ihrer Mobilität stark beeinträchtigt sind und die an kulturellen Ereignissen sonst nicht mehr teilhaben könnten.
Ganz allgemein sind die Kulturlotsen dafür verantwortlich, dass Behinderte, Bedürftige und grundsätzlich Interessierte an Veranstaltungen von Kunst und Kultur, wie Theater, Konzert, Kunstausstellungen, Vorträgen u.v.a.m. teilnehmen können. Die Kulturlotsen erhalten eine fachliche Ausbildung im Kulturbereich.
Ihr Tätigkeitsfeld erstreckt sich über die gesamte Stadt. Bedürftige oder behinderte Personen werden ihnen z.B. vom Roten Kreuz vermittelt. Ihre Dienste nehmen u.a. auch Lehrer mit ihren Schülern, Ausländer oder Reisende aus anderen finnischen Regionen in Anspruch. Nahezu jeder kann sich der Informationen und Telefonnummern bedienen, die an allen möglichen Orten in der Stadt ausliegen oder bei der Stadt selbst, insbesondere bei der Koordinatorin des Lotsendienstes.
Wenn Probleme mit dem Transport auftreten, sei es aus gesundheitlichen oder materiellen Gründen, erhalten die betreffenden Personen vom Sozialamt oder Gesundheitsamt Hilfe z.B. in Form von Taxi-Gutscheinen, die auch für die Begleitperson gelten.
Es gibt inzwischen eine begleitende Forschung, die untersucht, wie sich die Teilhabe an den kulturellen Ereignissen der Umwelt bzw. deren Mangel auf das psychische und physische Wohlbefinden der Menschen auswirkt.
Diese besondere Idee wird in Jyväskylä konsequent umgesetzt. Und für diese Art der Freiwilligenarbeit gibt es keinerlei Nachwuchsprobleme, auch und gerade viele junge Leute beteiligen sich neben den Senioren an diesem Projekt.


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Presentations of the Final meeting in Ljubljana Fri, 06 Jul 2012 12:44:24 +0000 ljubljana Dragi TMYC prijatelji

Natanko en mesec je minil odkar smo se srečali v Ljubljani v okviru učnega partnerstva TMYC. Na sestanku smo vam v Izobraževalnem centru Kadis 2002 želeli predstaviti ureditev prostovoljnega dela in delovanje nekaterih ključnih organizacij na tem področju v Sloveniji, ob tem pa dneve popestriti tudi z obiski organizacij in delavnicami.

Prvi dan smo tako k sodelovanju povabili predstavnico CNVOS, ki je predstavila delovanje nevladnih organizacij v naši državi (kratek povzetek predstavitve si lahko tudi ogledate NGOs in Slovenia_Kadis_june 2012). Sledila je zanimiva izkušnja bodoče zdravnice, ki je v okviru fakultete opravljala prostovoljno delo v Afriki. Dan smo zaključili z delavnicami in seveda prijetnim večernim druženjem.

Naslednji dan smo poslušali predstavitev Slovenske filantropije, ene krovnih prostovoljskih organizacij v Sloveniji – »Dobra dela ne potrebujejo reklame – dobra dela potrebujejo vas« je bil marketinški slogan, ki se je večini udeležencev usedel v spomin. Tudi povzetek njihove predstavitve si lahko še enkrat ogledate ((Slovene Philantrophy)-2012). Po obisku Četrtnega mladinskega centra, smo se zopet podali v center mesta, kjer so nas že čakali ustanovitelji in glavni akterji Univerze za tretjo življenjsko obdobje. Predstavili so nam začetke svojega delovanja in najnovejše projekte, v katere so vključeni njihovi člani. Če si želite osvežiti spomin, pa vas čaka povzetek njihove predstavitve. KADIS (The Slovenian Third age university)

Prav tako si lahko ogledate prezentacijo z naslovom Let’s clean Slovenia in one day!, ki smo jo predstavili na sestanku v Glasgowu. Lets clean Slovenia in one day!


Lep pozdrav, Kadis team





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Seniors and Juniors as parents, students and friends Mon, 25 Jun 2012 10:22:28 +0000 Jerzy Volunteers of SUTW from Słupsk-Poland, for their ppt presentation in Ljubljana had chosen as a leading theme variety of ways they cooperate with and assist
groups of children and school students.
The ppt Presentation; “Seniors and Juniors; heritage of experience and knowledge” illustrate and document a presence of our volunteers in company of children
and young people.
Our volunteers work in infant schools, primary and secondary schools, community centres and in institutions for handicapped students. The list of activities includes;

  • reading fairy tales for children in nurseries,
  • theatre performances for school students,
  • choral performances along with school choirs,
  • visual and music presentations for school students,
  • working visits to Care and Assistance Centre for young people,
  • artistic and  humanitarian cooperation with school students from Bielorussia,
  • assistance to young immigrants in Slupsk,
  • active participation in  Daily Community Centre.

Activity of our volunteers among children and young people is one of the most visible form of realisation  of an idea of voluntary in a modern society. Besides of
formal forms of education, activity of volunteers may serve as a supplementary form of handing down the line of generations  history, culture, experience and
Urszula Wyrwa, Nelly Czupajło, Jerzy Berendt.



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Should old acquaintance be forgot…? The SUTW volonteers in Ljubljana. Sun, 24 Jun 2012 11:26:17 +0000 Jerzy The Partners to the Grundtvig Partner Project; Tell me about your commitment” met for their last general meeting in wonderful city of Ljubljana in Slovenia.
The Polish group of volunteers, eleven of them, actively participating in realization of the Project went to Slovenia to attend the meeting during which there was
presented a theme of ” Senior and Juniors, heritage of experience and knowledge”. The SUTW  volunteers in among other forms of voluntary work are seen active
 in area where vivid and dynamic youth meets experience and knowledge of old.
Volunteers of SUTW work with children and young people;

  • reading fairy tales for children in nurseries,
  • theatre performances for school students,
  • choral performances along with school choirs,
  • visual and music presentations for school students,
  • working visits to Care and Assistance Centre for young people,
  • artistic and  humanitarian cooperation with school students from Bielorussia,
  • assistance to young immigrants in Slupsk,
  • active participation in  Daily Community Centre.

All these forms of voluntary activity were presented in Ljubljana in the form of DVD.

The very important point of the meeting in Ljubljana was to set a time schedule for the FINAL REPORT, which is set to be finalized by the end of month September.
The Polish-SUTW team of volunteers will work very hard in order to complete its part of the Report.

Discussing the idea of voluntary activity based on the results of the Project, Urszula Wyrwa-acting President of SUTW-had satisfied herself with an opinion that
voluntary activity allows one to get a full  self-satisfaction and present an occasion to meet others, to get and to stay in touch, to free oneself from a fear of living
“almost forgotten”.
Members of SUTW took part in the workshop during which a net of computer connections was set working with an aim to improve creative writing and interchange
of information via ”on line” links.
Finally, the five countries and six national teams had to say goodbye to each other which were the most difficult moments of the meeting. The Project with all
the essential tasks it prescribed for each team participating, had been an unforgettable experience in the sense of getting known each other, making friends,
remembering their towns and countrysides we had for quick blink of the eye a chance to see.

The members of SUTW volunteers group would like to thank you all of Partners for their kind cooperation with us, for having extended hospitality during our
stay in their countries and for being with us in Słupsk.
We wish you all the best.

On behalf of SUTW volunteers; Urszula Wyrwa. President.

SUTW from Poland working


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Radio Słupsk about The Grundtvig Partner Project Sun, 24 Jun 2012 08:31:20 +0000 Jerzy  

All listeners to the Polish Radio Koszalin and Słupsk, had a possibility to listen  the voices of the SUTW volunteers speaking “on air”. On 20th of June on the local
radio waves in Slupsk Mrs Urszula Wyrwa, Mrs Nelly Czupajlo and Mr Jerzy Berendt were presenting a broad spectrum of actions  prompted by the Grundtvig
Project  “Tell me about your commitment”.
The Project, shortly to be finalized and recapitulated, in assistance of five different countries; Spain, Austria, England, Slovenia and Germany was aimed at promoting
voluntary activity in all possible social groups in particularly young and elderly people. The most active volunteers from the countries participating had a chance
to meet for the purpose to talk on their experiences and to share the knowledge on how to be of help to those in need.
SUTW (Słupski Uniwersytet Trzeciego Wieku) is proud to be the partner in this project and hopes that it wasn’t the only occasion to work in company of other
On behalf of SUTW; Urszula Wyrwa.

Grundtvig-about, in Polish,  MP 3,as presented in The Radio Słupsk.

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With President about Grundtvig Project. Sun, 24 Jun 2012 07:56:37 +0000 Jerzy On 17th of June,  sunny Saturday, volunteers from SUTW, on invitation from  Mr Maciej Kobyliński-The acting President of city of Slupsk-were traveling to the nearby
place ŁUPAWA. There, in the country home of the host, volunteers set to present their up to now progress in realization of the Grundtvig Project 
“Tell me about your commitment”.
All gathered on the greens of Łupawa, including Mr President, had a chance to be briefed on the results of the international Grundtvig meeting which
had taken place  in Ljubljana only week before and where some of our volunteers were present.
The most active members of the SUTW Volunteers Group, presented their view related to conditions of work as volunteers and growing number of calls for
help coming from less fortunate citizens of Slupsk and in particularly children and young people getting lost in a free market economy.
The meeting in Lupawa was a splendid occasion to exchange opinions on a role of voluntary activity in Slupsk Region as the host of the meeting showed a great
interest in getting as much information as it was possible on the sunny day.
Mr Maciej Kobyliński as President of the City of Slupsk, during all his time in the Office, independently of his duties, stays firm  in contact with our University of Third
Age and is open for any suggestions regarding needs of its members and elderly people at all.
The outing in Lupawa was promised not to be the last one and planes for an autumn get together were set.

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Thank You for the helping hand Fri, 22 Jun 2012 08:02:03 +0000 Jerzy THE GIFT RIGHT FROM THE HEART

 One of the point in the Final Report form calls for a description of “an added value”  of the “Tell me about your commitment” Project, which in the company of six different organizations comes to the completion within short time now.

However, before the final farewell words will be spell out, we-the Slupsk’s University of Third Age Grundtvig team members-would like to tell everyone around about what has happen during and after the Grundtvig meeting in Slupsk, sometime between middle of October 2011 and the New Year Day the same year.

The participants of the conference, in among many others activities, were visiting the “Occupational Therapy Daily Workshop” for, mostly young, the Down Syndrome, effected people. There was Mr Heinz Kubicka,  among visiting members of the Grundtvig Vienna  group who took a special attention to the general conditions in which the rehabilitation process in the          Centre is organized and executed.
The Centre, with its financial resources based mainly on the Local Administration budget support, and with steady increase of number of patients coming in, lags behind in its technical equipment either for the purpose of rehabilitation, recreation or living condition.

Mr Heinz Kubicka, on his return back to Vienna, he had sent us the letter with a splendid offer of a financial donation, which he intended to collect in among of Vienna  Evangelical Church members.

And they did it!

By the end of the year 2011with all the formalities properly done, the donation of around 1.000€ was presented to the Director of the Therapy Centre, Mrs Iwona Grota.

Mrs Iwona Grota, who with great love and dedication towards her responsibilities and patients presides over the institution has decided to use the unexpected donation for the purpose to improve their kitchen equipment.
The improvement was met with great joy and admiration.
The kitchen is a vital place in the process of rehabilitation and self-support training of patients under her charge.

We, as the members not only of the Grundtvig team, but as members of the University of Third Age in Slupsk, got onto the idea of presenting Mr Heinz Kubicka action as the exemplary  “Gift right from the heart” and “ the added value” to the whole “Tell me about your commitment” Grundtvig Partner Project.

On behalf of SUTW and Therapy Workshop; Urszula Wyrwa, Nelly Czupajło, Iwona Grota, Jerzy Berendt.

About Heinz Kubicka and his gift of the heart-in pictures.

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