Tell me about your commitment » Slupsk Wed, 18 Jul 2012 22:31:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Summary of our meeting in Slupsk Thu, 14 Jun 2012 13:09:24 +0000 berlin Here we have prepared a short summary of our meeting in Sluspk, Oct. 2011.

Enjoy the memories

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Theatertreffen Slupsk & Berlin Fri, 01 Jun 2012 14:38:00 +0000 berlin Theateraufführungen in Berlin und Slupsk


Es war nicht geplant, aber dennoch ein großartiges Ergebnis unseres Projekts: Laientheateraufführungen in Berlin und Slupsk.

Und das kam so: Während unseres ersten Treffens der Koordinatoren in Barcelona wurde von jeweiligen Theatergruppen in Berlin und Slupsk/Polen berichtet. Beide Seiten fanden es eine schöne Idee, eine Aufführung in der jeweiligen Partnerstadt zu organisieren, vorausgesetzt, so eine Begegnung wäre zu finanzieren.

 Im Laufe des Winters 2010/2011 wurde diese Idee konkretisiert, einige Sponsoren waren angetan von der Idee und bereit, einen kleinen Zuschuss zu geben und so konnte der Besuch der Theatergruppe der Slupsker Universität für das 3. Lebensalter hat in der Zeit vom 22. Juni bis zum 26. Juni in Berlin stattfinden. 16 Teilnehmer bildeten die Theatergruppe, die mit einem Minibus und ihren Requisiten angereist kamen.

Um die Kosten der Begegnung in einem erträglichen Rahmen zu halten, waren alle Teilnehmer privat bei unseren Vereinsmitgliedern untergebracht. Obwohl nicht alle eine gemeinsame Sprache beherrschten, hat man sich gut verstanden und war sich einig, dass gerade diese private Unterbringung sehr zum Gesamterfolg der Begegnung beigetragen hat.

Gerade auch diese perönlichen Kontakte machten den Erfolg dieser Treffen aus und sind die Basis für eine weitre Zusammenarbeit. Kontakte sind seit dem entstanden und weitere gegenseitige Besuche haben stattgefunden.

Die Teilnehmer haben am Anreisetag an einem Sommerfest teilgenommen. Am darauf folgenden Tag wurde ein Workshop mit der hiesigen Theatergruppe durchgeführt. Es war ein intensiver Austausch, auch durch die engagierte Übersetzungsarbeit einer Slupsker Teilnehmerin. Am Ende des Treffens erfolgte eine Einladung nach Slupsk und man war sich einig, für das darauf folgende Jahr eine Theateraufführung in Slupsk zu organisieren.

 Höhepunkt der Begegnung war dann die Theateraufführung am Freitag. Obwohl der Zuschauerraum nur Sitzplätze für max. 50 Teilnehmer hat, kamen schließlich 70 Zuschauer. Die Aufführung selbst war Anlass für eine anschließende lange Diskussion. Die Theateraufführung wurde zweisprachig durchgeführt und war professionell vorbereitet. Von einem Teilnehmer wurde ein Video mit deutschen Untertiteln hergestellt; die DVD kann bei Interesse gerne zur Verfügung gestellt werden.

 Für den Samstag wurde die Gruppe zu einem Besuch Potsdams eingeladen. Einige Bilder können einen Eindruck von dieser dreitägigen Begegnung geben.

 Der Gegenbesuch war dann im April 2012. Mit zwei Pkw wurden 10 Personen und die Requisiten nach Slupsk gefahren, zwei weitere Teilnehmer nahmen den Zug über Stettin. Die Unterbringung erfolgte in einem kleinen Hotel, was für unsere Zwecke sehr geeignet war.

 Eine Aufführung am Donnerstag im Kulturpalast der Stadt hatte rd. 130 Teilnehmer, die zweite Aufführung am Freitag vor der deutsch sprechenden Minderheit hatte weiter 60 Teilnehmer. Viel Beifall nach beiden Aufführungen belohnte die Teilnehmer. Die Herzlichkeit und die entstandenen Freundschaften wurden während dieser drei Tage vertieft und bekräftigt.

 Wir sind uns sicher, dass es im nächsten Jahr eine weitere Begegnung geben soll. Im Rahmen der begonnen Zusammenarbeit wird auch darüber nachgedacht, gemeinsam ein zweisprachiges Stück einzuüben.

 Die beiden Theaterbegegnungen waren ein sehr schönes Teilprojekt innerhalb des „Tell me…“ Projektrahmens.

 Einen Eindruck von den beiden Begegnungen erhält man durch dieses Video:

Theatertreffen in Berlin & Slupsk


Herbert Spindler 

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The Christmas Gift from Vienna Sat, 31 Mar 2012 09:22:59 +0000 Jerzy Dear Friends,

Our last meeting “Tell me abut your commitment in October 2011 was in Slupsk. We remember and find it very fruitful and interesting. We could present our experiences but we could also learn about your experiences.
We still benefit from being with you although it was such a short meeting.
And now let me tell you an interesting story in connection with our international meeting in Slupsk. During our Conference we visited an institutions where there are people working for those who need help. Among others-there was the Therapy Centre for mental impairment youth. Together with us there was a colleague from Vienna Group- Mr Heinz Kubicka. This Therapy Centre impressed him so much that he decided to act. He had written to our University that his greatest wish is to give a help for the youth in the Therapy Centre.
A Christmas collection in his Evangelical Church in Vienna made his greatest wish  possible. Our University of Third Age was involved in the deal between The Therapy Centre , The Evangelical Church in Vienna and Mr Heinz Kubicka himself. Shortly after The Christmas 2011 the donation of around 1.000€ was available for The Therapy Centre, so that they could buy an electric kitchen for their workshop. Therefore, the Centre and its patients they are very grateful and thankful for this unexpected but extremely useful present.
As a very warm thanks The Evangelical Church in Vienna, Mr Heinz Kubicka they were presented with  Symbolic Hearts (see Gallery) hand made by the young disabled people from the Therapy Centre.
We would like to offer this Symbolic Heart to the collection of souvenirs of the Programme “Tell me about your commitment”.
It is easy to conclude that there is no limit for to the range of Voluntary work and to the examples of wonderful charity.
It all happen thanks to our common Programme; “Tell me about your commitment”. Thank you for your attention.
Nelly Czupajlo. SUTW. Slupsk. Poland.

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]]> 0 The way volontary activity developed in Poland Tue, 27 Dec 2011 16:06:42 +0000 Jerzy Dear “Tell me about your commitment” Friends.

During our last meeting in Słupsk, we all watched with some pleasure relatively short video presented by Mr Piekarski of The Academia Pomorska in Słupsk. The video, with en English translation, shows “winding roads” along which volontary activity developed. “The winding roads” here mentioned  began in the early history of Poland and with changing moods of history run into contemporary decades of nowdays Poland.  The short presentation, non the less  informative and not without witty comments, portrays those persons who contributed to the essential development of such activity and describes ever widening circle of those who  more or less depend on volontary assistance.
We should very much intersted in getting your comments on how volontary activity developed in your  home country and which are the biggest challenges at the present.
The video has the Polish soundtrack and English subtitles which are to be activated by choosing additional file. Both files are attached to this post.

MaĹ_a Historia DobroczynnoĹ_ci []-video

Mala Historia Dobroczynnosci-English subtitles.

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The “Grundtvig” visit to Slupsk Wed, 16 Nov 2011 17:18:51 +0000 Jerzy The “Grundtvig” meeting from 11th to 14th of October 2011 in Slupsk

In Vienna during the first meeting of all the participants, it was decided to hold a meeting in Slupsk, Poland. The Polish partners to the Project had had already enough experience in organizing similar meetings, however the importance of this meeting was overwhelming.

The Organizing Committee was formed and during many hours of discussion the final plan for the lectures, visits and free time was discussed.
The leading theme of the meeting evolved around all forms of Voluntary activity, in this case concentrated on voluntary work among young and elderly disabled and handicapped people.   In accordance with this theme the four different papers were prepared and the appropriate visits arranged.
The special task for organizers was to provide these papers with adequate English translations as well as to have interpreters at hand for an instant translation, particularly during the visits.

The Slupsk University of Third Age hosted the delegations from five E.U. countries; Austria, Scotland, Spain, Germany and Slovenia; all together 22 foreign guests (Polish participants not counted for).

The two full days of meeting were split into four sections; a half of first day of lectures followed by a second half day of a  “Czeslaw Milosz” bookmark workshop. The second day was split into two parts also, of which the first part saw us visiting “Help and Assistance” centers afterwards the second part saw us standing against the strong wind in Ustka and Rowy.  They were once in the past small fishing ports but now rather seen as a weekend or summer, leisure destinations. For the rest of time the both places are surrounded by a romantic atmosphere of sea, wind and calmness all of it, just right for the visit such as ours.

On the first day of the Grundtvig Conference, there were papers presented which concentrated on the theme of voluntary assistance to young and elderly handicapped people.

The first paper-in the form of video-presentation- by Mr Piekarski, himself young candidate for doctor’s degree, showed a development of an idea of “volunteering” throughout  long Polish History, from its somewhat crude charity from up until the form of fully independent, non- profit organizations which act  in modern societies and within different social groups. These NGO’s, often in cooperation with administrative local bodies, form an important part in providing assistance to those in need.

Mrs Ewa Kosiedowska, the head of “Centrum Wolontariatu” (The Voluntary Centre) in her presentation pointed to the social conditions, which stands for deciding factors of becoming an active volunteer. The number of graphs illustrated the trends and changes in perception of voluntary activity and a role of an active volunteer. The Voluntary Centre in Slupsk does provide a recruiting process of volunteers for whatever organization or private person.  The Centre provides as well the basic training, activity monitoring and problem solving assistance for active volunteers. One of the most valuable groups of active volunteers is young high school students.

Mr Bogdan Leszczuk, the head of the Town’s Education Department in his paper discussed the problem of application into practice the idea, already strongly recommended by EU and national regulations, of integration handicapped, disabled young persons within the existing education system, beginning from infant schools, through the primary schools up to the system of high schools and colleges.
The perception on the progress in the process of realization of this idea is that however generally accepted, on many instances its full application meets many, mostly due to existing prejudices, obstacles.
One, very successful example of realization of the idea of integration was presented by Mrs Jozefa Budziach, the head of an infant school in Slupsk where this idea got rooted and flourish. The programme, with the direct support from of volunteers has brought very promising results.

Another example of successful result of volunteering, in this case “volunteering across the border” was presented by Father Jerzy Wyrzykowski, from Duninowo, the small place nearby Slupsk. Father Wyrzykowski and the team of his “helping hands”, among them “the helping hands” from our University, on regular basis, brings over to Duninowo, the group of young Bialorussian students. As these young students form a dancing band, the pre-organized tours allow them to present their tradition and at the same time to rise funding. The task of the volunteers is to assist in all necessary arrangements while in Slupsk, including accommodation and provision.

An opportunity to learn about the practical realization of the idea of volunteering among socially and mentally disadvantaged persons, especially among young persons was the cycle of three consecutive visits to the institutions providing assistance and direct material help to those in need. The visits provided for the verification of the way the formal regulations function in different environments.

The Slupsk University of Third Age takes on the occasion to thank all of our guests for taking a trouble to travel to Slupsk and for their constructive and stimulus participation in all activities and in doing so for creating the warm and friendly atmosphere all through the meeting.

There is the Power Point presentation under the following link;

Konferencja Grundtvig Oct 2011, Slupsk, Poland

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Volunteers from Barcelona and Slupsk online. Thu, 31 Mar 2011 06:46:28 +0000 Jerzy Skype Meeting With Young Volunteers From Barcelona. March 2011.

On 29th of March 2011, thanks to the SKYPE technology in place, we got acquainted with The Grundtvig
Project partners from Barcelona. Mr Gianni Orsini has lead the team of young if not very young persons from Barcelona, 6 of them, enthusiastically engaged in the voluntary work there.
On the Slupsk site there were 8 “still young” persons gathered for the  occasion. After the initial technical
problems,  we were able, firstly to present ourselves and then to exchange the personal opinions on the voluntary work we are engaged. Young persons  from Barcelona are helping the elderly in their neighourhood-especially among the immigrants from North Africa and quite often abroad, while  Slupsk volunteers  work among the groups of children, school students, especially among those incapacitated and disabled.
As the first –via SKYPE –meeting  got along, we realize that despite of the thousand kilometers distance spreading between Barcelona and Slupsk, there is the possibility to talk to and view each other in  such way founding the platform for ideas and experiences of each partner to cross  borders. The next meeting with an agenda more concentrated on volunteers exchange of reflections, views and experiences should take place within a month yet before departure to Vienna.

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The honor Gala in Slupsk. Fri, 25 Mar 2011 16:23:35 +0000 Jerzy Gala 5 Gala 4 Gala 3 Gala 1 Dyplom

The 10th of December 2010 saw the festive Gala organized by the Regional Voluntary Centre
in Slupsk. The occasion was to express the warm Thanks for the willingness to
act, help,  create and make changes for better to the social surrounding we live in.
The authentic heroes of the moment were volunteers from the comunity of Slupsk, who very often as unassertive almost unknown persons work in the field, helping the less fortuned and in need.
These were the persons working in various sections of Voluntary activities among disabled, discapacited,  terminaly ill, small children from crumpled homes and eldery waiting for someone to come in. To our satisfaction the diversified  volutary activity of our University and its members was mentioned, acknowleged  and finally granted with diploma.
The diploma of acknowledgement has been presented to the team of volunteers representing Slupsk’s University of Third Age and individually to -the member of our University-Mrs Eleonora Sztainke.

]]> 0 Talking about the modern history of Poland Thu, 24 Mar 2011 21:01:58 +0000 Jerzy Volunteers for youth of Słupsk


From 26th of February,  for five consecutive days our  University Theater Group  has performed for students of Słupsk’s schools. The play was thought to add to the knowledge of the young generation about the historical events which occurred in times of past WWII years. The core of the play relates to the huge scale desplacement of the whole population of Poles from their homes at the easter part of pre-World War II Poland to the western provinces of now Poland and among to them the Slupsk Region.
As Poles were coming in, the German population was crossing Oder river to the West. The echo of those events is still heard and discussed, however the life of the young generation either of Poles or Germans is no longer complicated by those historical facts.
The performances ignited a very vivid discussion among viewers to the satisfaction of actors and the director of the production.
The students-viewers as well as their teachers expressed their gratefulness for the possibility to extend their  historical awareness on the subject demonstrated in the theater play.
Aktorzy i widownia w WTZ (2) Aktorzy i widownia w WTZ (3) Aktorzy w WTZ i widownia (1) Widownia w WTZ (4) Ratusz
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Teaching the young disabled people to enjoy the moment. Thu, 24 Mar 2011 20:17:31 +0000 Jerzy Moulding dumplings in company.

On 15th of February 2011  three of our lady members; Nelly Czupajło, Renata Majerowicz and Danuta Wabia went onto teaching the youth under the care of the Workshop for Occupational Therapy how to prepare and how to serve the famous polish dish;” pierogi”, which are a kind of stuffed dumplings.
The filling for the dumplings could be various, however the white cottage cheese,  meat  and  mushrooms are preferred.
On all the stages of preparation instruction to the young chefs were given and special attention was necessary in the process of sealing the dumplings which is crucial to the whole preparation.
The satisfaction among the consumers was high as the fresh boiled dumplings
landed on the plates so was the taste for the dumplings. The English have the popular saying; the taste of the pudding is in the eating. And they are right, however the taste of Polish ” pierogi” is unfailable.

Moulding the dumplings


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About Slupsk Mon, 14 Mar 2011 13:14:24 +0000 Jerzy Dear Friends,

Before we begin to tell you more about the our voluntarian activity, we are tempted to show you, in short, the pictures from around the town we live. So please take a few minutes to be presented with quick look around the place in the northern part of Poland, Slupsk.

Jerzy Berendt.


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