Centre for general scientific education (ZAWiW), University of Ulm
Albert-Einstein-Allee 47
D-89081 Ulm
Since 1994 the Zentrum fur Allgemeine Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung (ZAWiW) der Universitat Ulm designs and organises activating pedagogical approaches and education activities for older adults and mixed age groups, often with European thematic. At the core of its work, ZAWiW sees the establishment of a bridge between science and society fostering social inclusion and participation of older adults. In this context, dialogue between young and old is especially encouraged in various projects.
One of its aims is opening Internet access to those who are presently not part in the digital world by designing targetgroup oriented approaches.
ZAWiW has co-operations with NGOs on regional, national and international level. It is one of the founders and coordinator of the European Network Learning in Later Life (LiLL) and initiator of virtual communities of older people i.e. the German network ViLE e.V.
Website: www.zawiw.de
Carmen Stadelhofer and Gabriela Körting
Tel.: +49 (0)731-50-23193
E-Mail: carmen.stadelhofer@uni-ulm.de
E-Mail: gabriela.koerting@uni-ulm.de