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1st Panel in Slovenia: Summary of the lecture prepared for the 1st DANET Meeting “Active Ageing in European Countries”

Dušana Findeisen
Active Ageing in European Policies, Professional Literature and in Our Eyes

Active ageing  as it is being addressed  in European policies is mostly about working longer beyond the legal retirement age and about bettering working conditions. Continue Reading →

1st Panel in Slovenia: Some reflections of the Slovene participants on ‘Active ageing’


  • Preparation for active ageing must start before retirement; it should be part of education and training provided by the employer.
  • To age actively means to keep learning and to be able to change together with the changing world. Continue Reading →

1st Panel in Croatia- “Art Workshop”

Participants of the Art workshop have created interesting artistic expressions on the topic of Active ageing.

You can see the photos of the pictures here.

1st Panel in Croatia: Thesis summary from the “Workshop Active Ageing”

  • Preconditions for active ageing are: attitude to life, active socialising, health care, continuous learning, entertainment and travelling.
  • Approach to life requires an individual decision to live actively, planning activities and doing regular duties. Continue Reading →

1st Panel in Croatia: Thesis summary from “Intergenerational Workshop”

Intergenerational workshop within the framework of the project DANET pursued investigating the concept of active ageing using the method of incomplete sentences, among the students of the School of Arts and Crafts in Zagreb (third grades of the secondary school, at the ages of 16 to 17). Continue Reading →

1st Panel in Ulm, Germany, had taken place

1st Panel in Ulm, Germany, had taken place

On the 22nd of February 2011, 14:30-17.30, in the Generationnentreff (Generations meeting point) in Ulm / Neu-Ulm, the first Panel on the subject “Active ageing in Europe – Solidarity between the generations” took place.  Continue Reading →

1st Panel in Ulm, thesis summary on subject “Education”

  1. Is (continuing-) education a right or a duty? Continue Reading →

1st Panel in Ulm, thesis summary on subject “Voluntary work”

  1. What is voluntary work? Activities that are carried out for the common good of the society or needy people, without financial reward or reimbursement of expenses. Continue Reading →

1st Panel in Ulm, thesis summary on subject “Old and young”

  1. Age is a relative term. In Germany many people want to get old, but not be seen as being old. Continue Reading →

1st Panel in Ulm, thesis summary on subject “Health prevention”

  1. Physical and mental activities and social contacts help to keep healthy. Continue Reading →