  [TownStories] [gemeinsamlernen] [LiLL]
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  Dreieck nach obenEuCoNet
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  Dreieck nach obenPartner Teams
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_ Vicenza
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Our team consists of 11 people with different work experience and professional background, coming from different places, including the province. The most active members work in group in Vicenza and meet once a week to compare their work and exchange information. Interpersonal contacts are frequent. The team coordinator keeps in touch with members living out of the town and surfing on the internet with the elderly.

My name is Maurizio Zaffaina, I can use the computer. I would like to understand how to help friends cope with the internet.

My name is Maria Grazia Gigliotti Bertola, I know English well, but I still can't cope with the Internet properly: I'd like to learn more about it.

We are Marta Marotto and Franco Marigo: as we retired from work, we started peeking around at the p.c. world and now we would like to know more about the Internet so that we can share free time with others passing round information to them.

We are Maria Grazia Meneguzzo and Giuliano Testa: we would like to draw upon our long-time teaching experience with students in the secondary school to meet the new challenge: working with adults and elderly people can be intriguing!

I am Maria Carla Jerbonato: with a few other colleagues I work in the province and support colleagues surfing on the internet. I don't know English.

VirgiIio Brogliato: I have been cooperating with Rezzara for years on the project: Young people and Computer Studies. In the Euconet group I am an expert on teaching learning strategies.

My name is Maria Stella Calza Fiorentino: I cooperate with the Vicenza group and I am in charge of the planning the computer studies courses.

I am Maria Vittoria Nodari: I have been organizing Rezzara projects for years and now I am trying to familiarize myself with the Internet and improve my skills in order to create a website making the elderly's projects available to our visitors. Since I don't know English yet, my present role is that of coordinator and secretary.

I am Cecilia Furin, the youngest of the group with the role of translator in the workshops. I support the group in the editorial phase of their work within the framework and prospects of European integration