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Pavla Lutonska
In my professional work as a chemic I worked in the research of agriculture industry. I used to cooperate with many European institutions. After I retired I started attend the UTA. I studied history of art, Archeology, also Computer science. As a student of UTA I actively work on the project on EuCoNet. I speak German, English, also Croatian, Russian and Czech.

Dagmar Csomo
Prior to my retirement I worked as a civil designer where I utilised computer drafting. In 1996 I completed a computer course at UTA in Bratislava. Now I’m a member of EuCoNet project team. I’m also interested in photography.

Helena Krausova
My name is Helena Krausova. I‘m a resident of an Old people‘s home, with about 260 inhabitants. I study at UTA of Comenius University in Bratislava History of art. I have not worked on a computer yet. I had not opportunity, but I’m interested in learning to work on a computer. Specifically I‘d like to help other people of our home, to be able to use it.

Jozef Liptak
At the UTA of Comenius University in Bratislava I deal with the application of the Internet in the education and using information technology in teaching methods. I’m an associated professor of the Faculty of Philosophy at the Department of science information and library. My hobby is climbing, cartoons and glass cutting.

Nadezda Hrapkova
I’m a head of the Department for continuing education and UTA of Comenius University in Bratislava. I’m in charge of 35 study groups out of which 4 are computer courses. Our university has about 1200 students at the present. I’m working in this position for past 12 years. We have worked on the senior international projects, which help us to cooperate with the international groups and be in touch with the progress. I’m a coordinator of the Slovak group of EuCoNet which consist of 9 members who cooperate with other students of UTA.

Ladislav Rysa
In my professional work as an engineer I worked on several sites of building industry and in the design of industrial and water structures. In later years as a specialist of information technology at the Research Institute of civil Engineering. My hobby now are PC and Internet. I speak several languages.

Eva Seligova
Prior to my retirement I worked in diplomatic service of the Czechoslovakian republic. 12 years ago I started to study at UTA in Bratislava. This activity makes my life very interesting and enriched. As a member of a team of EuCoNet I’d like to help my fellows in Old people’s house, where I live, to be able to use computer.

Pavel Zelenak
Prior to my retirement I was in charge of the department of technology of the research Institute. I’m author and cooperator of the special patents of cable industry. Now my hobby is the Internet, painting and history. I’m regularly using Internet for communicating with my daughter who lives abroad.

Vladimir Harasta
In the past I worked as a teacher of the Computer science and informatics course at the UTA. At the present I’m a member of the team of EuCoNet project, specifically on the application of the Internet. My hobby is classical music, chess. I’m a member of the senior Slovak chess league.