Minutes and Action Plan from the meeting of the partners
in the project EuCoNet
ZAWiW, University of Ulm, 16-20.10.2002
Participants are listed in a separate document.
In this first meeting of the project partners, the focus was on the introduction
- of the representatives (senior students and co-ordinators) present
- the organisations involved and their activities related to the subject and goals of the project
- the use of the Internet by older people in the participating countries
- model projects in the participating countries.
- design of strategies and initial steps for the first stages of the project
The partners' presentations will be displayed on the project homepage:
Other activities included:
- practical session with testing of the communication possibilities of the Internet : forum, chat, translation machines in the Internet
- lectures on the subject "Internet information campaigns - Senior-Info-Mobil" and "Learning Software"
- an excursion to seniors' Internet initiative in Ulm "STIC".
1. Mailing list
euconet@majordomo.uni-ulm.deThis list was already set up by ZAWiW with the option "reply to list". This means, that if you press the reply button, ALL members of the list will receive your reply, not only the addressee! This has many communicative advantages, but is not suitable for private correspondence. If you want to send your message only to one person, you should not use the mailing list.
2. Forum
Already available at the project homepage under "Forum":
This forum will serve as a tool for communication between senior students. Currently 2 subjects for discussions: "Teaching of computer and Internet skills by younger people" and International relations".
3. Website
Website is already available in English and German at www.gemeinsamlernen.de/euconet
and is in development. It includes sections:
- Project description (goals of the project EuCoNet)
- Project partners (addresses of project partners)
- Project teams (photos, emails and introductions of participating persons: seniors and co-ordinators)
- Partner profiles (information about the participating organisations)
- Background information and statistics (information about situation of Internet use by seniors in the various participating countries supported by statistics)
- Model projects (descriptions of projects of particular interest in the participating countries, also projects from OTHER organisations)
- Forum
4. Next meetings of the EuCoNet partners
Brno      → second part of February 2002, exact date to be proposed by the partners in Brno
Vicenza → second part of June 2002, date to be proposed by partners in Vicenza
5. Future steps
In the final session on Saturday, the partners have agreed on the following strategies and steps for the project.
In the next project period, materials relevant to the subject "opening of the Internet to older adults" will be collected by all partners so that during the next meeting in Brno at the end of February 03, they can be compared, discussed and assessed for adaptation and use in own countries.
Here is to note, that the partners should select also interesting activities and projects from other organisations in their countries, not only their own.
The materials should be supplied via the mailing list to ZAWiW by the end of January AT THE LATEST in order to allow time to participants in the partner countries to familiarise themselves with these materials and for ZAWiW to build them into the homepage. The areas of interest were discussed and agreed upon by all partners.
The partners should make contact with other organisations who may be interested in joining the project.
6. Action plan
Action |
Partners responsible |
When |
Presentations from the meeting, in an edited form suitable for the EuCoNet website to be sent to ZAWiW. |
All partners |
mid-November |
Names and photos of the participating seniors (if possible also their e-mail addresses) to be sent to ZAWiW |
All partners |
mid-November |
Participating seniors' e-mail addresses for the euconet@majordomo.uni-ulm.de mailing list to be sent to ZAWiW |
All partners |
mid-November |
Collection of case studies (how to come to the Internet, motivation, etc.) |
Praha, Glasgow with support of all partners |
By the end of January 03 |
Collection of model projects from the participating countries (not necessarily from the partners', but also from OTHER organisations!) |
All partners |
November 02 |
Presentation of "Buddy" concept, reflections of "buddies" on learning styles |
Glasgow |
By the end of January 03 |
A study written about the learning styles and the Internet |
Vicenza |
By the end of January 03 |
A preparation of a "Story of the month" to make the website more attractive |
Praha, Ulm |
November 02 |
Structure of PC/Internet courses & concept for self-organised and productive Internet use |
Bratislava, Brno, Ulm |
By the end of January 03 |
Examples of good computer usage: e.g. example for collaborative learning with the help of computer and the Internet: self-organised, moderated learning groups on different subjects (approach of "learning through research") |
Brno |
By the end of January 03 |
Link list of useful resources - e.g how to use computer, introductions to the Internet and e-mail, BBC courses, search engines, etc. |
All partners |
throughout the project |
All other materials for the website that may be useful
- posters
- handouts
- course previews
- comments from students reports and case studies
- self-evaluation of the level of knowledge incl. self-tests for evaluation
- questionnaires: online and paper versions
- organisational notes - hints and instructions to people running the course
handouts for students - on subjects which were studied, e.g. how to use search engines, etc. |
All partners |
throughout the project |
To test: Keyboard learning programme |
Glasgow |