Neue Seite 1
EuCoNet Partner Meeting in Vicenza
18 - 22 June 2003
To-Do List
(to do until the 30.6.03, latest 15.7.03
unless specified otherwise)
Check the adresses/email adresses
Start a mailing list for coordinators and a separate one for all participants. -
DONE - for all participants
- for coordinators
To check the CD with the homepage for mistakes
until 18.6.03 Carmen has given to all partners
Make personal introductions of the members of all groups
for the homepage
later translation of these presentations in other languages - to be
specified who is ready to translate
Insert the presentations from the Vicenza meeting in the
text in Word and photo in attachment
Reports from workgroups:
Reinhardt - report summary of the presentations of the first and second
Horst and John: survey and while it is so difficult to compare - DONE
Val: fit for the web - DONE
Carmen/Reinhardt: e-learning/themes - DONE
Guenter and Dagmar: summary of Saturday morning
Ladislav, Reinhardt, Myrthe, Lenka: personal impressions about the stay
in Vicenza
Foto gallery - DONE
Final Reports
Each partner sends a report to his national office and a copy of this
report to Ulm. Especially the part I of the final report, the Partnership
Report to be sent to Ulm by the 15th of September as it
needs to be summarised for all partners by Ulm.
Next year
- Networking and public relations
- Translation of good practice in other languages
- To take profite of LiLL to make known our work
- To take profite of the technical communication services:
Forum and Chat
- Centra/Pal Talk/Videoconferences
- Subject orientated collaboration (eLearning): three subjects
Glasgow meeting in September:
Suggestions for contents
Prepare introductions of and to the new partner U3A Univ. Alicante.