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VICENZA Diary: JUNE 18TH – 22ND 2003

This was my first visit to a Euconet meeting. What a privilege to be part of the Glasgow team and what luck that this meeting should be in the beautiful Northern Italian city of Vicenza!
click to enlarge picture

Our first evening was spent meeting the other participants at dinner in the Villa Disconzi, Monte Berico, high up overlooking the city. A wonderful colonnade stretched downhill from the hotel - a preview of many such sights to come!
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I was the new ‘girl’ from Scotland and marvelled at the warmth of greetings between the others who had obviously made good friends during the previous two meetings. This warmth of welcome was quickly extended to me and soon I knew this was going to be fun as well as interesting.
The evening ended with us on the terrace overlooking the city lights. The earlier rain had cleared and as we were driven to our hotel by Maria Grazia Testa Meneguzzo we were given our first glimpse of this beautiful city. Cars are not allowed in the centre so we walked through wide squares with many statues and breathtaking Palladian architecture.
Our group was based in the central hotel Due Mori and in the early mornings we would walk through shady narrow streets, stopping now and then to marvel at the buildings and arrive at our meetings in the Istituto Rezzara.
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