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  Dreieck nach obenGemeinsamLernen  
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  Dreieck nach obenEuCoNet
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  Dreieck nach obenPartnertreffen
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    Dreieck nach obenTreffen in Vicenza  
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_ Zurück - Inhalt
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_ _ Einleitung
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_ _ Workshop 1: Fit für das Internet
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_ _ Workshop 2: eLearning
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_ Workshop 3: Summary of Survey
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Workshop III
Common Survey on the Use of the Internet by
older Adults interested in continuing Education

Peter Quigley raised the question, why the survey was conducted in all countries. For his country (Scotland) this survey has no substantial benefit for their work at home. Horst agreed that this is also the case for Germany and ZAWiW.
Contrary to this, Czech Republic and Slovakia had opposite opinions. They need this and further statistics for their reporting to the Authorities who are deciding about their financial support. If they can prove that their countries are still behind the western countries regarding the access of senior to the net, these authorities will be open for further financial funds.

It was stated that the results of the survey of the participating countries are not really compatible with each other, i.e. the size of inquired people are much different, Italy was reporting of 1704 samples (with different types of questions) and the rest is about 50 votes.

Besides Germany put the questions to a not preselected group of seniors (not only senior students) whereas in all the other countries the questionnaires were distributed to the participants of their PC/Internet-courses.

It was generally agreed that the survey was not representative except perhaps in Italy with 1700 people, where the results are more or less the same as the official national statistics. Such statistics are also available in the other western countries , which is also a reason why there is no need to continue with this type of survey. However, the 2 eastern countries will continue in their countries because there are not such national statistics available. Also Italy will continue with their survey which is giving to their institute valuable answers to the quality of their courses.

Horst Schwiebert