  [TownStories] [gemeinsamlernen] [LiLL]
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  Dreieck nach obenGemeinsamLernen  
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  Dreieck nach obenEuCoNet
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  Dreieck nach obenModel Projects
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    Dreieck nach obenCzechia  
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    _SoLiLL Modules  
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_ up - home
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_ _ SoLiLL Modules
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_ Module 1
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_ _ Module 2
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Study program of the

University of the Third Age



University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice

Faculty of Health and Social Studies


                                                       School year 2000-2001, 3rd year, 5th semestr



Study module 1 :   Life styles and life space  in Europe.

                                Fundamentals of informatics and computing.


Project SoLiLL :     Self-organised Learning in Later Life

                               A Socrates-Grundtvig project with six European partners.


Project guarantor: Doc.Dr. Jana Šemberová, CSc.



THEME:                                                                                                                   Tutor,  study group

Food culture, bread. Bread in time and space transformation


1- 4

25 – 29 Sept. 2000 Preliminary workshop

Life time and life space in Europe – start of international                            Doc. Dr. Jana Šemberová

co-operation U3A with university research establishments.                       Jaroslava Jakešová (U3A)

Fundamentals of informatics and computing.                                               Mgr. Pavel Pavlík

                                                                                                                                 Mgr. Božena Pelikánová (U3A)



5 Oct. 2000

Riches of archival sources and their use                                                         PhDr. Václav Rameš

Třeboň                                                                                                                    Public Regional Records Office in Třeboň



12 Oct. 2000

Individual and changes of life style in history.                                            Prof.PhDr. Václav Bůžek

Man and his world ( Reality and people´s ideas about the Middle           Historical Institute of  USB

Ages and Early Modern Times ).



19 Oct. 2000

Individual and changes of life style in history                                                 Mgr.Josef Hrdlička, Dr.

Man and food  in time transformation                                                           Historical Institute of USB



26 Oct. 2000

Architecture of the town České Budějovice                                                     Doc. Dr. Radko Chodura

Development and changes in a town house since the Gothic                 Faculty of Education USB-Department till these days.          of   Art



2 Nov. 2000

Rudiments of fundamental research.                                                            Doc. Dr. Jana Šemberová

Perspectives, reasearch procedures (strategies), methods and techniques

MS World 97                                                                                                         Mgr. Božena Pelikánová (U3A)





9 Nov. 2000

MS World 97                                                                                                         Mgr. Božena Pelikánová (U3A)
Word processing by means of text editor                                              



16 Nov. 2000

Research methods                                                                                             Doc. Dr. Jana Šemberová

Choice of the research method. Observing. Conversation. Questionary.

Interview. Method of verbal affirmations.

Internet. E-mail as a modern communication service.                             Mgr. Pavel Pavlík



23 Nov. 2000

Information and publicistic genres                                                                 PhDr. Helena Pavličíková

Report. Commentary. Interview. Sketch.Reportage.                                    Faculty of Education USB- Department

                                                                                                                                 of Humanities



30 Nov. 2000

CONFERENCE “ Topical issues of seniors’ education at the University of South Bohemia”

Great hall of the University of South Bohemia



7 Dec. 2000

Internet. WWW as a modern information service                                      Mgr. Pavel Pavlík.

Preparation of the project web site                                                                   Mgr. Božena Pelikánová (U3A)



13 Dec. 2000

Consultation of work teams                                                                             Professional guarantors, tutors
Presentation of partial results of fundamental research




Training course  (1) :  Fundamentals of informatics and computing

Enrolled lectures :       No. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12.

                                      Conference Topical issues of seniors’education at the University of South Bohemia”                                                                                        


Credit :                         Training course (1)

Credit requirements : Report of the results of self-learning and fundamental research, presentation of the results.

                                      Range of curriculum / Minimum in computing and informatics/.





School year 2000/2001, 3rd year, 6th semestr



Theme:                                                                                                                   Tutor:


1 – 3

31 Jan. – 2 Feb. 2001 Preliminary workshop                                               Doc. Dr. Jana Šemberová  

Fundamental research of social phenomena

Seminar on methods and techniques of sociological research                  Mgr. Eliška Novotná

Empirical research methods. Analysis of obtained data,                          Businee School in Jindřichův Hradec

way of data processing and their interpretation

MS World 97                                                                                                         Mgr. Božena Pelikánová (U3A)




8 Feb. 2001

Learning of professional sources and periodic documentation             PhDr. Václav Rameš

Life style. Bread in people´s lives.

Field research.                                                                                                     Professional guarantors, tutors

Consultation of “learning groups”



15 Feb. 2001

Learning (archives). Development of Black Friar monastery                      Doc.Dr. Radko Chodura

riented to the last findings of murals. Terrain outing.

* Source information for preparation of the audiovisual project            Antonín Hoch

U3A.                                                                                                                        Faculty of Education - Audiovisual     




22 Feb. 2001

MS Excel 97

Processing of charts and diagrams by means of spreadsheet                   Mgr. Pavel Pavlík

Individual and group teaching on computers.                                                Mgr Božena Pelikánová (U3A)

*Source information for  preparation of the audiovisual program.             Antonín Hoch, Audiovisual Studio USB



1 March 2001

Creation and adaptation of charts and diagrams                                       Mgr. Božena Pelikánová (U3A)

Individual and group teaching on computers.




8 March 2001

MS Excel 97                                                                                                          Mgr. Božena Pelikánová (U3A)

Field research. Individual teaching. Consultation.



22 March 2001                                        

Information and publicistic genres. Report, commentary,sketch,              Dr. Helena Pavlíčíková

reportage. MS World 97                                                                                      Faculty of Education USB, Department of




29 March 20

Information and publicistic genres. Conversation, interview.                      Dr. Helena Pavličíková

                                                                                                                                 Faculty of Education USB, Department of



12 April 2001

Bread as a life value.                                                                                          Doc. Dr. Jana Šemberová

MS Power Point.                                                                                                    Mgr. Pavel Pavlík

Familiarization with a utility program,

standard operation MS Power Point.



19 April 2001

Bread in time transformation. Work in groups.                                               Doc.Dr. Jana Šemberová

MS World 97                                                                                                          Tutors, professional guarantors of

Creation of presentation.                                                                                    the project

Possibilities of the creation of mass presentations program.




26 April 2001                                                                                                             

Collecting and classification of research data. Data processing.          Dr. Václav Rameš

Audiovisual presentation of obtained data, means of presentation.             Antonín Hoch

Basic sources (media) of information. Photography, film, TV                         Faculty of Education, Audiovisual


camera, video.



3 May 2001

Seminar on computing and informatics. Data tabulation,                         Tutors, professional guarantors

preparation of the data to their evaluation.                                                  of the project



17 May 2001

Co-operation with foreign partners. Participation in a talk                       Study group of U3A

forum. Beginning of communication to the research results.



24 May 2001

Group work. Food culture, bread.

Preparation of sources to presentation of the results (SoLiLL 2001).          Study group of U3A


28 June 2001

Festive ending of the school year, graduation.



Legend :


Training course (2) : Fundamentals of informatics and computing.

Seminar on methods and techniques of fundamental research.

Enrolled lecture     :  No. 9, 10, 13, 14, 15.

Marked credi t  :     Training course (1,2)

Final evaluation:     Processing and viva voce of a professional theme (partial project), presentation  with regard to

                                 the past, present and future.



Note:    With regard to orientation of the Study module 1 (project of self-learning groups) the change of practical 

           parts of the program is not  a subject to alterations. Part of module documentation is organizing  instructions.