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Report on publicity actions (Slovakia)

1. In October 2003 one hour session about the UTA that was broadcasted on Slovak radio was recorded in the classroom of Comenius University. Josef and Nadia informed listeners of Slovak radio about EuCoNet project, its goals and results.

1. Public radio transmission of Slovak radio at Comenius University and its UTA

2. Meeting of Slovak Association of UTAs was held on 27 of November 2003. The meeting attended representatives from all UTAs from whole Slovakia. They were also informed of the EuCoNet project. (See the photographs)

2. Meeting of Slovak Association of UTAs

We prepared the homepage of the Association recently and we also included EuCoNet homepage into the homepage information.

3. On the 17 of November Lenka and Nadia were guests in the most popular TV channel (Markiza). You can see the video of this occasion.

4. A book of abstracts from the colloquium, which was organized in Bratislava in November 2002 was printed in German and Slovak language. It contains besides others, the articles about EuCoNet project, which were presented by Lenka Shromazdilova from Brno, Josef Liptak and Nadia Hrapkova from Bratislava. We gave the participants main information about the project goals and common orientation of all partners.

5. An article on the EuCoNet project was published in the university newspaper in December 2003. Next to general information about goals of project, participants and common activities we gave some information about the results from the project questionnaire. Newspaper is distributed to all faculties and departments of Comenius University and to attached workplaces of university.

(Dr. Nadia Hrapkova, coordinator of Slovak group)