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    Dreieck nach obenEating culture / Bread  
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    Dreieck nach obenRegional Breads  
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    _Regional Breads Arnhem  
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Zuidlaarder Bol


The ¨Zuidlaarder bol¨ is a particularly delicious loaf, baked with rye and wheat flour, with a generous filling of currants and raisins and some cinnamon.
In the old days bread was baked with water, flour and yeast and it dried out quite quickly, but because of the many currants and raisins the ¨bol¨ stayed fresh longer. Nowadays the ¨Zuidlaarder bol¨ will stay fresh and will keep longer with the use of modern additives and new methods but the basic ingredients are still the same as they were when I was young.
But besides the eating of the ¨Zuidlaarder bol¨ it is the noises and the smells of the market, starting very early in the morning, that bring back nice childhood memories. The market started right under my bedroom window. I still remember being woken up by the noise of neighing horses being unloaded from their trailers. They were then on the spot inspected in front of our house. I jumped out of bed immediately and had some slices of, and that's obvious of course, ¨Zuidlaarder bol¨ for breakfast.
This was a perfect start of a perfect day. It was a special day: no school, among so many people and animals and having a lot of fun with my school friends at the fun fair.