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Final Results


4. Distribution. Will other senior citizens derive benefit from our research?

4.1 Lecture.

Figure 9. Lecturer Huib Poot

On 21 March 2002 the members of the work group Senior Citizens and Living provided a lecture for the participants of U3A in Arnhem.
Next a summary of the story.

A more positive image of old age?
Everyone knows the phrase ¨age is a heavy burden¨. Should this be a reason to have a gloomy and one-sided picture of the future?
Statistics on life-expectancy in connection with welfare and the ability to manage on one’s own show the following:
Men at the age of 65 have an average life expectancy of another 15,0 years, largely 13 years of which they will have no or just minor problems. On average one has about 14.2 years ahead feeling quite well.

Women at the age of 65 on average have another 19,2 years to go, 14,0 to 15,5 years of which with no or just minor problems. Life expectancy being well: 17,1 years on average.

Figure 10. Diagram Life expectancy.

Besides having a realistic notion of the third and fourth stage of life the advice is: affirmation. Life from an optimistic point of view. After all positive thinking increases chances of positive effects.