  [ZAWiW] [gemeinsamlernen] [LiLL]
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  Dreieck nach obenSelf-organised Learning Groups in Europe
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    Dreieck nach obenHousing / Living Spaces  
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Final Results


An important trend in The Netherlands is extra-muralisation, meaning that older people themselves do not only want, but are also forced by the limited capacity of homes for the aged, to remain in their homes independently much longer.
So their own home is important.

Figure 13. Diagram; Part Senior citizens - Characteristics

Senior Citizens - Characteristics.

The notion ¨senior citizens¨ is often being used in literature in a totally different and obscure way. In a document it is important to state what this notion implies.

Usually limitations are occurring gradually but sometimes suddenly because of illness. When these limitations are particularly impeding, intra-mural care is needed.
The ¨Leiden 85+ study¨, by which all 85 year old inhabitants have been interviewed show that 88 % of the men aged 85 and 79 % of the women aged 85 are still living independently.

Financial basis.
The Netherlands have AOW, a basic pension for every national.
Moreover the AWBZ covers the most important cost of care and nursing.
Furthermore there are potential subsidies for domestic help, for aids or structural alterations in case of physical impediments.

Figure 14. Diagram; Part House – Surroundings - Care – Well-being