  [ZAWiW] [gemeinsamlernen] [LiLL]
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  Dreieck nach obenGemeinsamLernen  
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  Dreieck nach obenSelf-organised Learning Groups in Europe
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  Dreieck nach obenWork Results
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    Dreieck nach obenHousing / Living Spaces  
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    _Arnhem Theme  
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_ _ Introduction
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_ Final Results
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_ _ Exchange with Housing Groups
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_ _ Exchange with Eating Culture Groups
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Final Results


2. Preparation.

Senior Citizens and Living; the original subject.

Choice of theme.

The U3A/Volksuniversiteit took part in the SoLiLL-project with this theme. A cycle of lectures on this subject was being prepared. This particular theme had been chosen because of the huge changes in the living-conditions of the older people.
About 35 to 40 years ago may of the 65 plus tried to move into an old people’s home.
In the sixties many of these homes were built. This resulted in other houses becoming available which helped relieving the housing shortage for the younger people.

Figure 3. Residential home in Arnhem.

But nowadays senior citizens stay in their homes independently for as long as they possibly can, unfortunately often relying heavily on their children or relatives who feel responsible for the elderly in need of extra care. There are waiting lists for admission to homes for the aged. And professional care for the elderly in their own homes is not always available because of shortage of staff.

The enormous involvement of the participants with this theme was striking. It is a theme that affects the senior citizens enormously. Sometimes because of intensive experiences with their own parents or relatives, but also because of a sense of responsibility for their own fourth stage in life.

One of the participants:
My major motive for partaking was the acquiring of information that would enable me
to improve living conditions for my own parents who are advanced in years.