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Final Results


Figure 19. Diagram; Part Reconsideration – Information – Personal judgement.

Reconsideration - Information - Personal judgement.
Good information is important by which the Senior Citizens HousingTest is a practical resource.
But very important is personal judgement, for no-one is alike and the pros and cons
deserve thorough personal consideration.

Figure 20. Diagram; Part Decision-making - Alterations - Other house - Other solution.

Decision making – Alterations - Other house - Other solution.
Are structural alterations required? Look into the possibilities of subsidies by ¨Wet Voorzieningen Gehandicapten¨, (an act dealing with the care for the disabled).
Move house? The new house can be surveyed by means of resources like The Senior Citizen Housing Test.
Another solution is the service flat. A new trend is the ¨Silver Home¨; the inhabitant sells the house, for a limited amount of money, to an organisation which from then on takes care of maintenance. The organisation acquires the deed when the inhabitant leaves the house permanently to move into an old people’s home or passes away.

Figure 21. Audience.