  [ZAWiW] [gemeinsamlernen] [LiLL]
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  Dreieck nach obenSelf-organised Learning Groups in Europe
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  Dreieck nach obenWork Results
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    Dreieck nach obenHousing / Living Spaces  
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    _Arnhem Theme  
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_ _ Introduction
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_ Final Results
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_ _ Exchange with Housing Groups
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_ _ Exchange with Eating Culture Groups
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Final Results


Districts of home care.
A new development, that supports the autonomy of the older people, is the home care district. It would be ideal if on every housing estate a small care centre would offer domestic help and care to those living in sheltered accommodation, but also to senior citizens living nearby.

Figure 17. District of home care.

Subscription to care:
Another trend is the development of care subscriptions. Sometimes a kind of ¨breakdown service¨, to span a short period of time when care is urgently needed, but also assistance offered by a care co-ordinator who helps the senior citizen arrange adequate aid.
For senior citizens the guarantee of help and care is essential for their sense of security.

Well-being means: the opportunities for meaningful leisure activities, social contacts and social engagement.
In the thesis mentioned before ¨The perspective of the elderly on home care¨, it is
stated that these aspects of well-being in particular enable people to live longer.
But one’s own role is also important. Therefore the advice to senior citizens is to
maintain and if possible extend social contacts.

Figure 18. Diagram; Part Motivation.


The most important motives for moving house are the emotional factors, the sense of
isolation and insecurity followed by functional disabilities which impede looking after home and garden or personal hygiene.