  [ZAWiW] [gemeinsamlernen] [LiLL]
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  Dreieck nach obenSelf-organised Learning Groups in Europe
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    Dreieck nach obenHousing / Living Spaces  
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Final Results


3.7 Conclusions: What did the members of the working group learn?

Three questions.
The conclusions have been formulated by participants by answering the next three questions:

1. What did this study teach me about my own living conditions at present and in the future?

2. What did this study teach me about the living conditions of the older people in Arnhem in particular?

3. What can I, being a senior citizen, contribute to my wishes and those of contemporaries being heard?

Answers to question 1.
What did this study teach me about my own living conditions at present and in the future?

Investing in one’s own development remains important.
Make sure to keep informed of various developments in the widest sense.

It is very useful to engage in the subject of Senior Citizens and Living.
It gives one a better perception of the matter which enables one to have a more differentiated opinion and to be a better debater.
Dealing with this subject also increases involvement.
It will enable one to be a better judge of the pros and cons of one’s own house.
Being well-informed enables one to remain in charge of one’s situation for as long as possible.

Topics of conversation.
Taking part in a research project offers many topics of conversation,
when talking to friends and relatives.

Figure 8. Topics of conversation.

Well-being has both conditional and active elements.
Among other things welfare heavily relies on the presence of a partner, a social network, whether or not help and care are available and the characteristics of one’s house and neighbourhood. These conditions are either present or not present.
But welfare also means activity. Stay active and curious. And keep investing in a social network, both for contacts and mutual help.