Final Results
Senior citizens and Living.
The Arnhem approach to the theme Senior Citizens and Housing.

Figure 1. The mill as a symbol for the SoLiLL-subject Housing and Bread.
- Introduction
- Preparation.
Senior Citizens and Living; the original subject.
- Steps made during research.
- Participants choose topics within the theme.
- Splitting up into working parties. Putting the aspects to be researched into words.
- Looking for information. Searching for structures and coherence.
- Finding the general lines.
- More arranging of information by pointed questions.
- The editing of information now reached the translation phase.
- Conclusions: What did the members of the working group learn?
- Distribution. Will other senior citizens derive benefit from our research?
- Lecture.
- Reporting to the authorities.
- International contributions.
- Exchange with the Housing group.
- Exchange with the Eating Group.