  [ZAWiW] [gemeinsamlernen] [LiLL]
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  Dreieck nach obenGemeinsamLernen  
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  Dreieck nach obenSelf-organised Learning Groups in Europe
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  Dreieck nach obenWork Results
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    Dreieck nach obenHousing / Living Spaces  
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    _Arnhem Theme  
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_ Introduction
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_ _ Final Results
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_ _ Exchange with Housing Groups
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_ _ Exchange with Eating Culture Groups
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The aspects to be examined

Aspects for examination
  1. To clarify the motives and objections that play a role in deciding to adept an accommodation or to look for a more suitable accommodation (Workgroup motivation).
  2. Can the present accommodation be adapted to such an extent that the arisen bodily limitations form no longer, or less, of a hindrance? (Workgroup motivation)
  3. How to compare the present accommodation with a future accommodation in order to make out whether there is genuine progress at all? This requires the formation of checklists with which the pros and cons of various accommodations can be clearly stated (workgroup motivation).
  4. What are the special characteristics per living unit in this country? (Workgroup inventory)
  5. What forms of accommodation are available in Arnhem and its vicinity? (Workgroup inventory).
  6. Is there any indication of the estimated costs per living unit, including the chances of subsidy? (Workgroup inventory).
  7. What forms of individual care are available for each of these forms of accommodation in Arnhem and surroundings? (Workgroup inventory).
  8. Is there a relationship between the forms of accommodation available in Arnhem and surroundings and the selfsame requirements of senior citizens? To put it differently: is there plenty of required accommodation in Arnhem and surroundings? (Workgroup inventory, the workgroup motivation is to list the requirements).
  9. Is the required individual care sufficiently available in Arnhem and surroundings? (Workgroups inventory and motivation).
  10. What is the experience after a period of settling of about one year after the reconstruction or removal as far as one's choice is concerned? (Workgroup motivation).
  11. What main lines of national, provincial and local policy pertaining to the economics and care for the elderly do influence the processes of making decisions of seniors regards the living conditions? (Workgroup support).
  12. What social organisations are related for the living conditions of seniors? (Workgroup support).
  13. To what extent does private initiative have bearing on the living conditions of seniors? (Workgroup Support).
  14. What trends are there pertaining to the decisions of authorities regards seniors and accommodation? (workgroup Support).