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Answer from Granada



This is managed by the Albaicín Foundation and receives a grant of some thousand million pesetas (6.000.000 EUROS) to finance projects so varied as the construction of a parking station, the creation of a green belt to unite la Puerta de MONAITA with the Arco de LAS PESAS, and a school of craft or the establishment of the site of the university department of Restoration.



  • Help for private initiatives: the foundation has made about 20 grants for projects directed at the revitalisation of the area, ranging from art workshops to boutique hotels, restaurants, and other tourist orientated activities.

  • Parque de la Muralla: this is a corridor between Puerta de Monaita and the Arco de las Pesas. The damp course below and the archaeological investigation have already been completed, and the funds have been expropriated.

  • Parking del Huerto de Carlos y Zoco de Artesanía del Albaicín

  • These are both under way, and are expected to be completed by the end of the year.

  • Craft School, Convent of Saint Inés:
This school is now working at full capacity to train future craftspersons and restorers for our cultural patrimony.


  • Rehabilitation of the Casa del Almirante

  • This will be the home of the department of Restoration of the University of Granada, which is collaborating in the project. They have done the archaeological excavations and the work is underway.

  • Rehabilitation of the Aljibe del Rey: Here the Centre of Interpretation and Studies of Water will be based. The reservoir, built in the eleventh century, has a capacity of more than 300 cubic metres of water, and, with those of Las Tomasas, San Miguel Bajo y Trillo, is one of the most important reservoirs of Muslim in Granada. Restoration work is already in progress in the building where the reservoir is, in which are conserved elements built between the twelfth and the seventeenth centuries.