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Reply from Ulm


"Two Sails" - a sculpture from Tomitaro Nachi

In the middle of the newly built part of the Willy-Brandt-Platz, between the Café Einstein and the administration building, stands since the 1993 a statue created by the since 1961 in Ulm residing Japanese artist Tomitaro Nachi.

But only a few of the passers by know, what this sculpture created in fresh green and blue colours and which occasionally serves as a play object for the children, a place where one could rest and hide from the sun in its shade, represents. Actually, the two sails belong on a pedestal overflowing with water, surrounded by a small water ditch. Only then the name of the sculpture begins to make sense. The lights reflected in the water should be an answer to the light reflections in the sails - this was the original idea. But due to cost saving measures, the value of the artwork was diminished.
