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Reply from Ulm


A Summer Day at the Willy-Brandt-Platz

8.00 o'clock
The shops and the Café Einstein are still closed. Two dog owners discuss the latest news while walking their dogs. Occasional passers by and school children stroll to the bus and tram stops. The stop in the direction of the main railway station and the town hall is crowded and people jostle in the queue while getting on the tram or a bus. Adults buy newspapers and children sweets in the kiosk. The trams and busses go in short intervals in both directions.

10.00 o'clock
It is quiet on the square. The quests of the café, mainly older people, go shopping in the nearby shops or to take a bus into town. The tables and chairs are put outside on the pavement in front of the Café. Only a few guests sit down.

13.00 o'clock
The Café is full. The guests sit down in the open-air to eat, drink and to talk. Children in groups get out of the busses and loudly talking walk over the square to the stationery shop. Older school children sit on the steps of the Nachi-Plastic, eat a Kebab that they bought in the nearby kebab snack bar and relish the warm sun rays. The quiet of the early hours is replaced by a stimulating bustle.

16.00 o'clock
The life on the square is in full swing. Young people sit in groups in front of the Café: debating students and mothers with children eating ice cream. A couple of small children chase pigeons over the square, other children play hide and seek in the Nachi-Plastic, a group of small girls dance around the sculpture.

18.00 o'clock
The guests sitting at the café tables are all "middle agers". They have divided into female and male table groups. The kebab snack bar and other shops in the area are busy. Busses and trams arrive in close intervals and are full in both directions.

20.00 o'clock
Many guests, predominantly young people, sit in the evening sun. The rest of the square is empty, only now and again bursts of laughter can be heard or laud discussions liven up the comparatively quiet atmosphere of the evening.

23.00 o'clock
Late home comers get out of the busses and the trams. They go across the square in the direction of Schwamberger or Wieland Street. The last remaining guests sit in Café Einstein. The night draws over the square.
