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Reply from Ulm



In October 1995, under the motto "European History on the Example of a Square", one of the groups of "learning through research" at the Zentrum für Allgemeine Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung (ZAWiW) at the University of Ulm, decided to investigate, document and publish the history and the transformations of the Willy-Brandt-Platz (square) in Ulm.

The present appearance of the square and the life-quality in the area as well as the history of its functions from the "Bleichwiesen" (a meadow on which washing was bleached) in the 16th century, the early industrialisation, through the Third Reich" until today, was to be documented through research in the archives and the press, through interviews with residents and time witnesses.

The results of this research were published in a brochure. At the same time, materials (texts and photos) for 13 poster boards were prepared and shown in three exhibitions: the first at the University of Ulm, then in the Town Hall in Ulm and the third at the Valckenburg School in Ulm. The school used this material in their history lessons.

The group consisted of 7 senior students who worked on this theme until the autumn of 1997.

Sections of this study were edited and reworked for the purpose of the SoLiLL project by Jutta Gotthard, Agathe Wende and Anneliese Haas, members of the SoLiLL project group at the University of Ulm.
