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Reply from Ulm


The square names

1933 - 1945: Danziger Freiheit

The area between the crossroads of the Münich and König-Wilhelm-Strasse, Olgastrasse and Zundeltor was named in 1933 Danziger Freiheit. This was a direct result of a wish of the "Danziger Verkehrszentrale e.V." and the senate of Danzig.

As in 1933 the national socialists came to power in the peoples' parliament and the senate, it was Hitler's aim to assimilate the town Danzig in the German Reich and under preservation of the Polish economic rights to achieve an extra-territorial railway and a road through the "Polish corridor". "Danzig is German and must be returned to the German Reich".

In order to keep this alive in the memory of the people, one traffic-busy square in the larger German towns should be named Danziger Freiheit. Due to its national-socialist character, the name Danziger Freiheit disappears at the end of the war in 1945.

On the left office building, built in 1892, on the right the last
of the still existing buildings - the old Spitalmühle (hospital mill) (photo 1937).
