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Reply from Ulm


The life on the square today

We have interviewed some of the residents about life on the Willy-Brandt-Platz today. The people who come here to work and those who have settled here a long time ago as well as those who have moved to the new homes after the Wieland works were demolished.

What used to be in the past a busy traffic point, with travellers and people changing buses, is experienced by those interviewed as a lively environment with many passers by, with good neighbourhood and many good places to pause. Many made suggestions to make the place nicer, such as "more green", "more flowers", "more colours".

The close vicinity to the town centre is seen as positive, as well as living in the Wieland Residential Park. And when the visitor leaves the area around the Café Einstein behind him, there is a surprise waiting for him: a breezy row opens before him, no car noise, an air of Freiburg flair envelops him. A crystal clear streamlet connects three fountains that contemplatively splash along and together with the nearby children's play area form a peaceful island in the square.
