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Reply from Ulm


From the "Bleichwiesen" (bleaching meadow) to city central point

1620 The Spitalmühle (hospital mill) uses the power of the river Blau
1859 Philipp Jakob Wieland buys the Spitalmühle for business purposes
1894 Building of the first steam power station in Ulm to produce electricity
Building of the tram line
1897 First tram in Ulm starts at this square
1928 Building of the Stadtwerke Ulm (EWU) (municipal utility) building
1931 Building of the labour exchange
1933-45 The square receives its first name: Danziger Freiheit (Danzig freedom)
1945 80% war damage to Wielend works
1956-1993 The square is renamed for the first time: Berliner Platz (Berlin square)
1969-1990 Extensive rebuilding of the street system due to continuous traffic problems of the North/South axle
1983 Wieland works demolished - moved to Donautal
1993 The square is renamed for the second time: Willy-Brandt-Platz
ab 1993 Development of a modern residential area and business quarter on the former site of the Wieland works


The Untere Bleiche with the Blechwiesen in the North, Engraving from Johannes Hans, 1800

