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Reply from Ulm


From 1993: Willy-Brandt-Platz

Since the 1993 the square bears the name of the deceased SPD-chairman and former federal chancellor and former lord mayor of Berlin: Willy Brandt.
The citizens of Ulm have lead a lively discussion about the renaming - Berliner Platz, the name of the past 37 years, was familiar to them and the change needed adjustment. One Ulm citizen was of the opinion that the former lord mayor of Berlin would not like simply deleting the Berlin name. But with the new name began also the reconstruction of the dull and grey square out of concrete, whose traffic flow required several major reconstructions. A residential park and a small charming oasis with trees and a lot of green came to being. Later came benches, a work of art and an inviting coffee shop as a meeting point for many citizens of our town.
